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Research Ready Expanding the One-Shot and Collaborating for Student Success LOEX May 10, 2019 Minneapolis, Minnesota

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1 Research Ready Expanding the One-Shot and Collaborating for Student Success LOEX May 10, 2019 Minneapolis, Minnesota

2 Meriam Library, California State University, Chico
Irene Korber Zohra Saulat William Cuthbertson Meriam Library, California State University, Chico

3 Mansplaining The Problems with One-Shots

4 The instructional go-to of librarians has long been the One-shot, despite conflicting information that One-shots are truly effective as an instructional format.

5 From the data of its initial year, GWLA’s 2017 study of IL instruction’s impact found that “one-time library instruction” and the students’ use of research guides had a “positive association” with student retention until graduation (p.13).

6 GWLA also saw slightly higher GPAs among First-Year students, and an increase of 1.8 credit-hours per year completed by students who had one-shots within one or multiple courses (p. 3-4).

7 Yet Walker & Pearce (2014) found that when considering student engagement, it was “not too great a leap” to see that one 50 min. instruction session was not providing library instructors enough time. To wit: “…Either engagement cannot occur, or… it cannot produce a lasting effect, over such a short span of time” (p.287).

8 And in discussing assessment of one-shots, Wang wrote in 2016:
“Librarians must constantly adjust to changes for different course objectives covering different library resources and skills for one-shot library instruction” (p. 620).

9 He continues: “Librarian assessment for the one-shot is never the top priority for faculty and students. Researchers have frequently reported difficulties in collecting data about one-shot library instruction” (Wang, 2016).

10 In their ideal, one-shots are used as an opportunity to develop relationships with specific program faculty and majors. That can often appear as a simple show-my-face to students.

11 One-shots are used for introductions, database demos, and for librarian-developed assignments pertaining to transferable research skills. But one-shots don’t offer librarians the opportunity to develop a deeper curriculum, or offer us as instructors opportunities to measure long-term student growth and changing student need. don’t

12 And while disciplinary faculty lament student inexperience with entry-level practices of academic research… …these faculty often don’t have or allow time for students to develop these research skills in their courses. don’t

13 In short, one-shots don’t let us teach the depth of skills students need, or allow us insight into long-term student growth. And so we approach instruction by teaching to the deficits of the format, and not to the needs of the student. don’t y not

14 In 2017, CSUC librarians met with faculty in Kinesiology to discuss their outcomes and approaches for writing assignments.  Faculty were already engaged with their subject liaison but wanted to see increased knowledge of source synthesis, APA, and a greater focus on student writing.

15 While faculty kept their one-shots for traditional research skills, for higher level outcomes the traditional one-shot was not the answer. not

16 Enter the Workshops!

17 Collaborative Instruction Planning
Librarians met with the Kinesiology faculty to collaboratively plan the workshop series Discussion points included:     Which classes and sections to target     Content of the sessions     Timing within the semester     Incentives for attendance     Identify IL problems - Collaboration with disciplinary faculty - Workshop creation / offload - Assessment - Student Workload is death - New partnerships – future stuff - Additional partnership opportunities

18 Formulating the Workshop Series
• Review of course syllabi • Identify student learning outcomes of the course • Align to information literacy student learning outcomes Identify IL problems - Collaboration with disciplinary faculty - Workshop creation / offload - Assessment - Student Workload is death - New partnerships – future stuff - Additional partnership opportunities

19 Workshop Series: The Basics
• Use of common curriculum • In sync with course syllabi and assignment deadlines • Scaffold topics • Incentivized by faculty: Attendance required for students in 3 sections Extra credit offered for students in 1 section Identify IL problems - Collaboration with disciplinary faculty - Workshop creation / offload - Assessment - Student Workload is death - New partnerships – future stuff - Additional partnership opportunities

20 Workshop Series: Topics
In order of offering OneSearch Basics Source Annotations & APA Intro Source Synthesis Writing Research Questions Visual / Media Literacy APA Citations and Formatting Class End Project Identify IL problems - Collaboration with disciplinary faculty - Workshop creation / offload - Assessment - Student Workload is death - New partnerships – future stuff - Additional partnership opportunities

21 Workshop Series: Assessment
Student Feedback, Semester 1: 115 total student attendance over 13 workshops 60 responses total (52% response rate) 88% said the workshops were RELEVANT to their coursework 76% said the workshops were HELPFUL to their coursework Identify IL problems - Collaboration with disciplinary faculty - Workshop creation / offload - Assessment - Student Workload is death - New partnerships – future stuff - Additional partnership opportunities

22 Semester 2: Ready, Set...Go? Making Adjustments Attendance Requirement
       Open Enrollment Identify IL problems - Collaboration with disciplinary faculty - Workshop creation / offload - Assessment - Student Workload is death - New partnerships – future stuff - Additional partnership opportunities

23 Branding Your Workshop
        Research Ready!         You got this!         Promoting visually appealing flyers  Identify IL problems - Collaboration with disciplinary faculty - Workshop creation / offload - Assessment - Student Workload is death - New partnerships – future stuff - Additional partnership opportunities

24 Branding Your Workshop
Identify IL problems - Collaboration with disciplinary faculty - Workshop creation / offload - Assessment - Student Workload is death - New partnerships – future stuff - Additional partnership opportunities

25 Branding Your Workshop
Identify IL problems - Collaboration with disciplinary faculty - Workshop creation / offload - Assessment - Student Workload is death - New partnerships – future stuff - Additional partnership opportunities

26 University Writing Center
         Joining forces Research and Writing: A recursive process          Referral Process          Joint Consultations & Assessment  For more on library and writing center collaborations, see: Richardson, B. (2018). Collaborations between Libraries and Writing/Tutoring Services are Diverse and Provide Opportunities to Support Student Success and Information Literacy Outcomes. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 13(3),

27 Everything is Cool When You're a Part of a Team!
        Collaboration is KEY         Faculty as your marketing department         Student Accountability                     Identify IL problems - Collaboration with disciplinary faculty - Workshop creation / offload - Assessment - Student Workload is death - New partnerships – future stuff - Additional partnership opportunities

28 Potential Partnerships
Know your campus!          Educational Opportunity Program          TRIO          Student Learning Center For C.S.U. H.S.I data see

29 Getting Buy-In Trial and Error Collaboration can be slow
Emphasize the need for IL Identify shared goals Student Success - Additional partnership opportunities

30 Discussion (Scholarship as conversation, yo!)
Irene write, William facilitate

31 What are the areas of need that you see for information literacy instruction? How can these concepts scaffold within a workshop series? William facilitate; Irene write

32 Build Your Own Damn Workshop!
Irene facilitate

33 Which course & info lit outcomes would you focus on?
Step-by-Step Workshop Making Work in pairs to review your syllabus Identify concepts present and concepts you would add Which course & info lit outcomes would you focus on?  How would you assess the series? What challenges might you foresee? Irene facilitate End Goal: Identify Topics, Sequence, and Learning Outcomes

34 Share It Out! and group questions
Zohra facilitate, Irene write

35 Thank You! Korber Saulat Cuthbertson Irene Zohra William
Thank You!

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