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Weaknesses of the Weaknesses of the Weaknesses of the

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1 Weaknesses of the Weaknesses of the Weaknesses of the
8/22/2019 Weaknesses of the Weaknesses of the Weaknesses of the Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

2 Presented July 12, 1776

3 while fighting for independence
A hasty effort… “Inventing a nation” while fighting for independence

4 Ratified (approved) in 1781

5 Emphasized Strong state government Weak national government Called:
“a firm league of friendship among independent states”

6 The states were sovereign
NH MA RI NJ PN DL NY NC SC NC GA MD VA control control Articles of Confederation National Gov’t

7 Lasted only 8 years The “Critical years”

8 Why did our 1st National Constitution last only 8 years ?
Weaknesses: Why did our 1st National Constitution last only 8 years ?

9 How would laws be enforced?
No Executive (President) How would laws be enforced?

10 How would disputes between states be resolved?
No National Judiciary (Supreme Court) How would disputes between states be resolved?

11 Congress couldn’t regulate trade States had serious trade disputes

12 Congress could not tax

13 Tax money needed for post offices and other government functions
? ? ? ? ? ? ?

14 NO $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$
No way to raise an army or navy NO $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$

15 State militias were the first lines of defense

16 Distrust of standing armies (permanent)

17 No national currency (money)

18 Caused inflation Made trade and travel difficult / expensive
State chartered banks printed their own money Made trade and travel difficult / expensive Caused inflation

19 Shay’s Rebellion Led to frustration and violence

20 Congress needed a 2/3 majority to pass laws (9 of 13 states)

21 The unanimous vote of Congress
(all 13 states) needed to amend Articles of Confederation

22 Made the Articles very inflexible
Today’s Constitution is difficult, but not impossible, to change

23 Conclusion Distrust of central authority (Parliament) led to this confederate system of government

24 Weaknesses of our confederate system led to a Constitutional
Weaknesses of our confederate system led to a Constitutional Convention in 1787

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