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Status on Products Catalogue service

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1 Status on Products Catalogue service
Erwann Quimbert Ifremer

2 Products Catalogue service
The Products Catalogue service is used to provide discovery access to 4D DIVA analysis The Products Catalogue service allows users to search for one or more available products and retrieve the full set of metadata, their access restrictions, originators and distributors Main aim is to promote the project data outcomes and to describe WP3.1 – DIVA maps for eutrophication WP3.2 – DIVA maps on contaminant WP3.3 – DIVA maps of Marine and beach Litter 2/7/2018 EMODnet Chemistry 3, Roskilde

3 Products Catalogue service – Discovery interface
Until june 2017 2/7/2018 EMODnet Chemistry 3, Roskilde

4 Products Catalogue service – Discovery interface upgrade
New release with a new look, more responsive and more dynamic Parameter Discovery Vocabulary – PO2 Aggregated parameter names – P35 Version 6 of Sextant was implemented and set up last June. This interface is more dynamic and user friendly. Data provider Suggestion to add a filter on geographical areas 2/7/2018 EMODnet Chemistry 3, Roskilde

5 Sextant API in Emodnet Chemistry
Sextant is now available as an API The API offers a better integration of the catalogue in the EMODnet website 2/7/2018 EMODnet Chemistry 3, Roskilde

6 Sextant API in Emodnet Chemistry – styling update
EMODnet is introducing a new styling (change the font to Open sans, fotsize, fontcolor, etc) 2/7/2018 EMODnet Chemistry 3, Roskilde

7 Products Catalogue service – Metadata granularity
The organization of the catalogue has been optimized by merging seasonal analysis into one product sheet for each region and parameter The proposed catalogue organization simplify the catalogue content from a user point of view Today we have 160 metadata Mediterranean : 40 metadata Atlantic : 24 metadata Black Sea : 28 metadata North Sea : 32 metadata Baltic Sea : 36 metadata After merging only 40 metadata Mediterranean : 10 metadata Atlantic : 6 metadata Black Sea : 7 metadata North Sea : 8 metadata Baltic Sea : 9 metadata 2/7/2018 EMODnet Chemistry 3, Roskilde

8 DOI & Landing Pages All EMODnet Chemistry products will have a DOI. These DOIs resolved to a landing page OGS, which has minted these DOIs, create the landing pages DOIs landing pages will give link to Sextant products descriptions (metadata) and to data products (data). Metadata records will include link to DOIs OGS will manage the all DOI process 2/7/2018 EMODnet Chemistry 3, Roskilde

9 Sextant metadata editor upgrade
A new release of Geonetwork software is available for a year We are using an old version of GN v5 Mapping between v5 to v6 is ongoing v6 To be achieved for march 2018 2/7/2018 EMODnet Chemistry 3, Roskilde

10 Link with Ocean Browser
Simplify the access to the Sextant metadata page for consistency and better interaction between tools 2/7/2018 EMODnet Chemistry 3, Roskilde

11 Link with Ocean Browser
Simplify the access to the Sextant metadata page for consistency and better interaction between tools 2/7/2018 EMODnet Chemistry 3, Roskilde

12 Emodnet central catalogue
Specific requirement from the EMODNET central portal to make products more similar to the products from the different lots 5 additional combined products added by ULG Water body ammonium Water body chlorophyll a Water body dissolved oxygen concentration Water body phosphate Water body silicate They are currently online here: 2/7/2018 EMODnet Chemistry 3, Roskilde

13 Emodnet central catalogue
ISO description and CSW request protocol makes the Emodnet catalogue INSPIRE compliant 2/7/2018 EMODnet Chemistry 3, Roskilde


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