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Introduction to the Common Statistical Production Architecture Alice Kovarikova High-Level Workshop on Modernization of Official Statistics, Nizhny Novgorod,

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the Common Statistical Production Architecture Alice Kovarikova High-Level Workshop on Modernization of Official Statistics, Nizhny Novgorod,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the Common Statistical Production Architecture Alice Kovarikova High-Level Workshop on Modernization of Official Statistics, Nizhny Novgorod, June 2014


3 The problem 2 big barriers that hamper modernisation of statistical organisations are: Rigid processes and methods Inflexible and ageing technology environment

4 Problem statement: Specialised business processes, methods and IT systems for each survey / output

5 Applying Enterprise Architecture

6 ... but if each statistical organisation works by themselves ...

7 ... we get this ...

8 .. which makes it hard to share and reuse!

9 … but if statistical organisations work together to define a common statistical production architecture ...

10 ... sharing is easier!

11 CSPA development project
Architecture Proof of Concept

12 The Proof of Concept 5 countries played the role of Builders
3 countries played the role of Assemblers Editrules CANCEIS Blaise G Code SCS

13 What did we prove?

14 CSPA is practical and can be implemented by various agencies in a consistent way

15 You can fit CSPA Statistical Services into existing processes
Statistics New Zealand (Workflow) Istat (CORE)

16 CSPA does not depend on a specific technology platform
Statistics New Zealand (Workflow) Istat (CORE)

17 You can swap out CSPA compliant services easily
Statistics New Zealand (Workflow)

18 Reusing the same statistical service by configuration
Survey A Survey B Statistics Sweden (Workflow -Triton)

19 2013 – CSPA Development 2014 – CSPA Implementation

20 Services being built Seasonal Adjustment – France, Australia, New Zealand Confidentiality on the fly – Canada, Australia Error correction – Italy SVG Generator – OECD SDMX transform – OECD Selecting sample from business register – Netherlands Editing components – Netherlands Classification Editor – Norway

21 Architecture Working Group: Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Turkey, United Kingdom, Eurostat Catalogue team: Australia, Canada, Italy, Hungary, New Zealand, Romania, Turkey, Eurostat

22 Get involved! More Information Anyone is welcome to contribute!
HLG Wiki: LinkedIn group: “Business architecture in statistics”

23 Thank you !

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