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Test Prep Year 10 Term One Super Cities.

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Presentation on theme: "Test Prep Year 10 Term One Super Cities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Test Prep Year 10 Term One Super Cities

2 Presentation of Revision Tips for Juniors

3 Frequently Asked Questions
When do we sit the test? Week 10 - your teacher will let you know which 1 hour period you will complete it. How long do we get to write the test? One hour period Do I get to take anything in with me? A black or blue pen, a highlighter may also be useful. You do not get to take any notes in with you. How can I prepare for the test? We will be preparing in class and you can see activities on this presentation for things to do at home. How important is this test? Very important, your report grade and your teacher will talk to your parents about it in the parent teacher interviews, and it helps determine your courses in Year 11. How much do I have to write? Next to each question you will see an A, M or E. These stand for the grade they are worth. If it is a A questions you need to state something, for a Merit question you need to explain in depth and for Excellence you need to justify in depth with evidence (often your opinion on something)

4 What is in the test? The test is based on the cities and concepts we have studied this term It will be a mixture of you demonstrating what you have learnt in class and also showing how you can interpret resources and relate concepts to different case studies. You will also be assessed on your ability to carry out the key skill of TOLKEN and line graphs.

5 Key Concepts: Liveable Community Sustainable Courage Innovation

6 Key Skill: Line graph TOLKEN

7 Revision Activities

8 Innovations Complete this sheet all about different types of innovations that you have studied this term, You might complete it digitally or your teacher could print it for you.

9 Liveable Complete this sheet all about liveable cities.
You might complete it digitally or your teacher could print it for you.

10 TOLKEN Complete this sheet all the key skill of TOLKEN and line graphing. You might complete it digitally or your teacher could print it for you.

11 Concept Map Complete this A3 concept revision document.
You might complete it digitally or your teacher could print it for you.

12 Community Complete this document all about the concept of community and how it is relevant to the Super Cities unit. You might complete it digitally or your teacher could print it for you.

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