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The GISCO Progress Report Nov – Feb. 2005 By Albrecht Wirthmann

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Presentation on theme: "The GISCO Progress Report Nov – Feb. 2005 By Albrecht Wirthmann "— Presentation transcript:

1 By Albrecht Wirthmann
The GISCO Progress Report Nov – Feb. 2005 By Albrecht Wirthmann GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

2 Structure of the presentation
GISCO project structure GISCO project activities Dissemination of GISCO information Relation with GISCO user community Projects in GISCO GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

3 GISCO project structure
GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

4 Technical Project Manager
GISCO Project Organisation Project Manager Secretary/Assistant Technical Project Manager Data analysis, Dissemination, Communication INSPIRE Project Coordinator GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. Database Administrator Data Analyst Mapping Specialist GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

5 GISCO project activities
GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

6 GISCO project activities
New framework contract for GIS services Special effort for introduction of NUTS according to NUTS regulation and new member states GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

7 150 maps for Regional Yearbook 2004
GISCO Mapping 150 maps for Regional Yearbook 2004 > 100 maps for other publications and on special requests Update of NUTS application on Nomenclature server of Eurostat Map Catalogue on Intranet GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

8 GISCO Mapping GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

9 GISCO reference database
New datasets Land Cover Global Ecosystems Grid Global DEM based on GTOPO-30 Commune dataset based on SABE v1.0 FADN Regions by DG AGRI Urban Audit Features GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

10 GISCO reference database
Updates New Ports from ESTAT D4 „Transport Statistics“ Update of NUTS codes in all datasets of the database Not included in Reference Database NUTS 2003 Regions GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

11 GISCO New Architecture
First part of implementation Metadata profile based on ISO 19115 Data catalogue service Guidelines for geographic data Conversion of Administrative and Infrastructure theme Mapping tool Basic webmap services GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

12 GISCO Spatial Analysis
Regional agricultural nitrogen balances Update of urbanized zones for labour force survey Air quality indicators for urban population Assessment of catchment areas dataset (CCM) GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

13 Dissemination of GISCO information
GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

14 Termination of datashop network
Data dissemination Termination of datashop network Dissemination policy currently under review Distribution on request Distribution of NUTS assured through mutual agreement between GISCO and Eurogeographics GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

15 Relations with GISCO user community
GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

16 Relations with user community
COGI meeting October 2004 Workshop on European Reference Grids GI Infrastructure in data centre of the Commission Collection of user needs for topographic data GI portal on Europa website INSPIRE GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

17 Relations with user community
User and technical committee, Dec. 2003 GISCO new architecture NUTS Regulation Activities of DGs AGRI, Regio, TREN, JRC and EEA Joint NSI-NMA meeting, Oct. 2003 NSIs and NMAs on both days Discussion on new structure of working group meeting GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

18 Relations with user community
INSPIRE initiative Three meetings of Expert Group in 2004 Task Forces on Revision of scope of INSPIRE, Extended Impact Assessment Interservice consultation in Feb 2004 Proposal adopted by Commission 23 July 2004 GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

19 Relations with user community
INSPIRE initiative First discussion in Council in autumn 2004 Reading of the proposal in Parliament Committee Preparation of work programme for preparatory phase ( ) Introduction of Spatial Data Interest Communities (SDIC) GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

20 Relations with other DGs
DG ENV Implementation of the Water Framework Directive Guidelines on Reporting 2004/05 Two GIS workshops in 2004 Water Information System for Europe Natura 2000 Network GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

21 Relations with other DGs
Air quality indicators GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

22 Relations with other DGs
Eurosion Final database delivered in June 2004 Spatial data layers related to erosion and coastal management Extent: Sea areas and land area 10 km from coastline Dissemination CDs for inside Commission and to the public GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

23 Relations with other DGs
DG Regio Discussions on accessibility as key concept related to Structural Funds Objectives DG TREN Finalisation of GETIS project in Oct. 2003 GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

24 Relations with other DGs
Joint publication group New publication „Trends on some agri- environmental indicators“ foreseen beg Atmospheric Nitrogen Depositions /2000 GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

25 Relations with other DGs
Atmospheric Nitrogen Depositions GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

26 Relations with other DGs
DG JRC European Grid System Development of a GI portal on Europa INSPIRE GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

27 Projects in GISCO GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

28 Degree of urbanisation Airport distances State of play for INSPIRE
Projects in GISCO Degree of urbanisation Airport distances State of play for INSPIRE Describe and compare status of national data infrastructures Final results at Update reports in August 2004 GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

29 Projects in GISCO INSPIRE prototype
Demonstrate feasibility and advantages of sharing geographic information and services Acquire experience in implementing interoperable solutions Estimate costs of implementing interoperability-based solutions GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

30 Projects in GISCO INSPIRE prototype
SDIGER (Spatial Data Infrastructure for Adour-Garonne and Ebro River basins) First phase terminates Dec. 2005 Maintenance of network for another year GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

31 Thank you for your attention!
GISCO has had several different tasks during the last year. As many of the points will be presented later, I will concentrate on the update of the database including the quality control, the Farm Structure Survey project, the TANDEM project, the GIS WG for the WFD and briefly explain about the various GIS projects to which GISCO participates. GISCO working group meeting 23-24/10/2003

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