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“The Chain of Blessed Character”

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1 “The Chain of Blessed Character”
The Beatitudes “The Chain of Blessed Character” Matthew 5:6 NKJV 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.

2 BLESSED: “happiness, joy and peace of mind.”
Does not come by seeking it alone Jesus tells us that Happiness comes when we have a certain character First establish these attitudes in your life and happiness will be yours

3 HUNGER AND THIRST Words with Strong Meaning
First century ears could thoroughly understand their meaning “Hunger & Thirst” – deep, constant and outstanding.. Continues to go on, increase & intensify with time until satisfied. Hunger & Thirst are signs of Life Good appetite leads to growth & development

4 HUNGER AND THIRST More than just a passing feeling
It is that consuming, pain produced desire, which increases with every passing day, week & month when there is not adequate food It is Starving for Food…it consumes ones life and becomes their chief desire of life.

5 RIGHTEOUSNESS 1. “Right Doing” 1 John 3:7-10
Do I want to do RIGHT? = God’s Will Do I want to do my own will? = Not begotten of God 1 John 1:6-10 Sins are removed by the blood Romans 3:23,24 We are credited by God as being Righteous because of Faith in Jesus and being united with Him in Baptism

6 RIGHTEOUSNESS What we are to hunger for, not happiness
“Man shall not live by bread alone…” Deuteronomy 8:3 “How much do you really want to be Righteous?” Humility of the 1st , Sorrow of the 2nd & Obedience of the 3rd must be Constant, Continual & Powerful attitudes in a Christian

Happy because they know they shall be filled We are united by Faith & Trust in God’s Word with Christ in Baptism & we are filled – accounted righteous The Relationship & Freedom from Sin that fills the hungering soul brings the Blessedness Jesus promised IF we Hunger & Thirst for things of the flesh we will be filled – but not true happiness

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