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Basics of Insurance Billing

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1 Basics of Insurance Billing
(or How do I dip my toe into the turbulent waters)

2 Verification of Benefits
You will need Your Tax ID and/or your NPI Patient Name and dob Patient ID number and group number (sometimes needed) Phone number of insurance from back of Patients insurance card*

3 Verification of Benefits:
Co insurance Deductible How much has been met? When does the plan reset? In Network vs Out of Network Plan Reset Max out of Pocket (MOOP!) Prenatal care preventative? Newborn coverage Prior authorization needed? In Network exception possible? How?

4 If prenatal care is covered under preventative:
Does NOT fall under deductible A general rule of thumb is 30% of full rate

5 Let’s do the math! Patient responsibility
Global rate – deductible= X X * patient coinsurance% = Y Deductible + Y = patient responsibility

6 Wait. What? Global rate: $10,000 Deductible: $2,000 Co-insurance: 20% $10,000 - $2,000 = $8,000 $8,000 x .20 = $1,600 $1,600 + $2,000 = $3,600 patient responsibility

7 If prenatal care is preventative
Global rate – 30% of global = X X– deductible= Z Z * patient coinsurance% = Y Deductible + Y = patient responsibility

8 Let’s do that again. Global rate: $10,000
Deductible: $2, Co-insurance: 20% $10,000 x .30 = $3,000 (global x pn care) $10,000 - $3,000 = $7,000 (global – pn care) $7,000 -$2,000= $5,000 (new starting charge – deductible) $5,000 * .20 = $1,000 (remaining fee * co insurance) $2,000 + $1,000 = $3,000 patient responsibility

9 Variables: MOOP (max out of pocket) Newborn care not covered

10 Superbill What is a superbill? What ISN’T a superbill? Ease of billing
For the provider or the biller to submit a claim What ISN’T a superbill? Something that you give to clients for them to submit to insurance

11 Billing Global Midwifery code 59400
*Global Obstetrical Care includes antepartum, labor & deliver, and postpartum Antepartum care: includes initial and subsequent history, physical exams, recording of weight, blood pressure, fetal heart tones, routine chemical (dipstick) urinalysis. Monthly visits up to 28weeks gestation, biweekly visits between 28 and 36 weeks gestation, and weekly visits until delivery. Delivery: includes admission to facility, admission history and physical exam, management of uncomplicated labor, vaginal delivery (with or without episiotomy, with or without forceps.) Postpartum Care: includes office visits following vaginal or cesarean delivery for 6 weeks post delivery

12 To bill Global you have to have seen your patient for 7+ prenatal visits, delivered the baby, and provide postpartum care

13 Codes Codes Description Number of Visits 59400 Global OB Care 1 visit
59409 Vaginal Delivery Only 59410 Delivery & PP Care 59425/59426 Global AP Care 1 visit each 99203/99204/99205 Office Visit 20 visits each 99213/99214/99215 99354/99355 Prolonged Care 99232 Hospital Visit/Care 20 visits 99356/99357 99349/99350

14 Newborn Codes Codes Description Number of Visits 99463/99460
Newborn exam at Birthing Center 1 visit each 99464 Birth assistant 1 visit 99212/99213 Office Visit 20 visits each 99348/99349 Home Visit

15 Facility Codes Codes Description Number of Visits 0724 – UB-O4 Form
Maternal Facility Service Payment 2 visits 0724 – UB-04 Form Newborn Facility Service Payment 59409 – CMS-1500 Form

16 Diagnosis Codes Maternal Newborn
Z34.00 – First time mom unspecified gestational age Z34.80 – supervision other normal pregnancy unspecified gestational age O09.40 – supervision of grand multiparity with unspecified gestational age O80.00 – encounter for full term uncomplicated delivery Newborn Z38.0 – single liveborn infant, delivered vaginally

17 Place codes OFFICE – 11 HOME – 12 BIRTH CENTER - 25

18 What needs to be given to client to submit?
Tax ID NPI Service Address DX code Rendering Provider Itemized coding with charges Place of service

19 What you do is important
What you do takes dedication and time away from your family What you do took years of schooling and time away from your family YOU DESERVE TO BE PAID


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