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[Type the title of The persuasive speech here]

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Presentation on theme: "[Type the title of The persuasive speech here]"— Presentation transcript:

1 [Type the title of The persuasive speech here]
Tip: Use graphics to set the tone of the speech. [Type the title of The persuasive speech here] Be specific and direct in the title. Use the subtitle to give the specific context of the speech. -The goal should be to capture the audience’s attention which can be done with a quote, a startling statistic or fact. It is not necessary to include this attention-grabber on the slide. [Type the subtitle of the speech here]

2 Title of persuasive speech [Use the exact title from the title slide.]
Tip: Keep background details concise; the audience will not focus on the speech and the PowerPoint if there is too much text. Background information [type detail no. 1 here] [type detail no. 2 here] [type detail no. 3 here] [type detail no. 4 here] [type detail no. 5 here] [Use this space to place an image that best captures the main idea of the speech] Use the background points to post details that are not common knowledge, or that the audience will need to understand the context of the speech. -Do not read these main points from the PowerPoint; elaborate on these points during the speech.

3 [Type thesis statement here]
Tip: The thesis should be clear and bold. Use powerful images as a background or an accent to strengthen the thesis statement. [Type thesis statement here] Dedicate this entire slide to the thesis statement. It is the reason why the speech is being given. Use this time to reveal the three main points of the speech (slides 4,5,6) as an overview for the direction of the speech: -[type main point no. 1 here] -[type main point no. 2 here] -[type main point no. 3 here] Make sure that you transition to the first main point and the next slide.

4 [Type main point no. 1 here]
[Type evidence to support main point no. 1] [use this space to place an image that best captures the main idea of point no. 1] The title of main point no. 1 should be clear and concise. Each piece of evidence should be summarised for clarity and cited correctly. Do not simply read the pieces of evidence, but elaborate where needed. [type notes for elaboration here] Make sure that you transition to main point no. 2 and the next slide. Tip: The font type and size used in a PowerPoint presentation should be clear enough and large enough for the audience to easily see and read. Make sure that you bear in mind the distance between the audience and the presentation scree.

5 [Type main point no. 2 here]
[Type evidence to support main point no. 2] [use this space to place an image that best captures the main idea of point no. 2] The title of main point no. 2 should be clear and concise. Each piece of evidence should be summarised for clarity and cited correctly. Do not simply read the pieces of evidence, but elaborate where needed. [type notes for elaboration here] Make sure that you transition to main point no. 3 and the next slide. Tip: It may be a good idea to add a slide in between the main points that contains images or video to further get across the main points.

6 [Type main point no. 3 here]
[Use this space to place an image that best captures the main idea of point no. 3] [Type main point no. 3 here] Tip: Practise the speech enough so that the timing and transitions become natural. [Type evidence to support main point no. 3] The title of main point no. 3 should be clear and concise. Each piece of evidence should be summarised for clarity and cited correctly. Do not simply read the pieces of evidence, but elaborate where needed. [type notes for elaboration here] Make sure that you transition to the counterargument and the next slide.

7 [Type counterargument here]
[Type evidence against the topic here] The counterargument should be the most common argument against the topic. The goal for this slide is to address the counterargument in such a way as to actually strengthen the original topic. Make sure that you address each piece of evidence against the topic. As you address each piece of evidence, elaborate on the text found on the slide. Remember to transition to the final slide, the action step. Tip: Add an Exit animation to each of these points against the topic that will play as you address each one. For example, Disappear, so the evidence disappears after addressing the counterargument.

8 [Type the action step here]
[Use this space to place an image that best captures the main idea of the action step] Tip: If time and format permits, it may be a good idea to add another slide for questions. It may be as simple as a title that states “Questions?” The action step is what the audience is supposed to do or think about the topic. It should be one sentence that is written clearly and with much thought. It may also be the thesis statement restated as an action. The goal of this slide is to leave the audience with a clear message as to what they are to do or think at the end of the speech. It may be a good idea to end with a powerful quote or image. [Type the action step here]

9 Customise this template
Template editing instructions and feedback

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