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Flowers in British Garden Миронова Наталья Константиновна, учитель английского языка ГОУ ЦО 109, г. Москва.

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1 Flowers in British Garden Миронова Наталья Константиновна, учитель английского языка ГОУ ЦО 109, г. Москва

2 Garden Garden is a piece of land next to and belonging to a house, where flowers and other plants are grown. There are a lot of many-coloured flowers in British gardens.

3 Garden lovers in Britain Gardens are symbols of peace and happiness

4 Countryside gardens There are many beautiful gardens in the country.

5 Gardens in towns Though pieces of land in towns and cities are not large gardeners beautify them.

6 Flowers of winter months The snowdrop is a flower for January. It is as white as snow. Februarys flower is the primrose. These flowers can be white, red, pink, rose, purple and orange. snowdrop primrose ['pr ɪ mr ə uz]['sn ə udr ɔ p]

7 Flowers of spring months The flower for March is the daffodil. These flowers have long yellow or white leaves and a sweet pleasant smell. Aprils flower is the daisy. You can see these small flowers in the fields, gardens and even roadsides. The flower of the month of May is the hawthorn. It has white or pink flowers which are followed by small red berries like little apples. The hawthorn looks like a bush or a small tree. daffodil ['dæf ə d ɪ l] daisy hawthorn ['de ɪ z ɪ ]['h ɔː θ ɔː n]

8 Flowers of summer months Junes flower is the honeysuckle. It is a climbing plant with a smell sweet. The honeysuckle can have red, blue or black berries. The flower for July is the water lily. Water lilies have white, pink, purple or blue flowers and large green leaves as platforms. Augusts flower is the poppy. Poppies have bright red, orange, purple or yellow flowers which look like cups. honeysuckle ['h ʌ n ɪˌ s ʌ kl] water lily ['w ɔː t ə ] ['l ɪ l ɪ ] poppy ['p ɔ p ɪ ]

9 The flower for September is the morning glory. It is a climbing plant with blue or purple flowers that look like bells and leaves which are like green hearts. Octobers flower is the hop. It is a climbing plant. Its dried fruit is used to make beer. The flower for November is the chrysanthemum. This lovely flower can be white, yellow, red, purple, or pink. Flowers of autumn months chrysanthemum hop morning glory [kr ə 'sæn θ ɪ m ə m][h ɔ p]['m ɔː n ɪ ŋ ]['gl ɔː r ɪ ]

10 The flower for December The flower for the last month of the year is the holly plant. It is a small evergreen (never losing its leaves) tree with shiny sharp leaves and small round red fruit. This plant is used for different Christmas decorations. Holly plant ['h ɔ l ɪ ][pl ɑː nt]

11 Name flowers & seasons

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