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Mr. Lambert Integrated Science 1A Trimester 1, 2014

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1 Mr. Lambert Integrated Science 1A Trimester 1, 2014
Day 10 – Systems Mr. Lambert Integrated Science 1A Trimester 1, 2014

2 Bell Ringer – Tuesday, 10/27 Look at the image above. As you add cold milk to hot coffee, you expect that the milk will get a bit warmer and the coffee will get a bit colder. What determines the final temperature of the coffee and milk?

3 Agenda Bell Ringer Energy distribution lab PHET simulation
Stable States Exit Slip

4 Learning Targets On your Bell Ringer Sheet, write the following: We will demonstrate how energy moves towards more uniform distributions and stable states

5 What happens to the thermal energy of the katana?
Forging a Katana What happens to the thermal energy of the katana? Do you think the blacksmith shop is hot? Why?

6 Lab Activity Materials: Thermometer 2 Styrofoam cups

7 Lab activity Measure the temperature of your cool water.
Come up to my desk and I will give you a piece of hot metal to add to your cup of cool water. Wait 2 minutes and measure the final temperature. As you wait, copy down the table on the next slide in your notebook Answer the following question: What happened to the temperature of the water after you added the hot metal? Explain why this happens using the term thermal energy.

8 Lab activity Follow steps 1-3 in book (pg. 665) 3a. Use the following data table: Amount of cold water Temperature of cold water Temperature of hot water Temperature of mixture 50 75 125 150

9 Question 3b Graph on a separate sheet of graphing paper. Document Camera for Graphing model X-axis = final temperature Y-axis = amount of cold water added

10 Post-lab questions Which amount of cold water resulted in the highest temperature after mixing? Which amount of cold water resulted in the lowest temperature after mixing? Based on your graph, what can you tell me about the relationship between the amount of cold water added and the final temperature?

11 Look at the vibration of the molecules when you heat up/cool down
PHET simulation Look at the vibration of the molecules when you heat up/cool down

12 Stable states Copy this down! Energy in uncontrolled systems always moves towards more stable states (more uniform distribution) Examples: Tall stack of books Human pyramid Uncontrolled thermal energy Molecules want to vibrate less

13 Stable States activity
Make an index card pyramid! Each group will get a stack of index cards. You will have 5 minutes to make the highest index card pyramid. Which group can make it the highest?

14 Exit Slip In order to become more stable, what will happen to the energy in a pot of boiling water? If I put a hot piece of metal into a cup of water and wait 15 minutes, will the temperature of the water be the same, or will some spots be warmer than others? Explain the difference in motion between molecules with high energy and low energy. Which type is more stable?

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