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Structure from Motion with Non-linear Least Squares

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Presentation on theme: "Structure from Motion with Non-linear Least Squares"— Presentation transcript:

1 Structure from Motion with Non-linear Least Squares
David Bargeron Noah Snavely

2 Structure from Motion Input: Output Applications
Projection of a set of 3D points onto a set of camera projection planes Output 3D point locations Camera motion Applications Object tracking “Match Moves” in TV, movies

3 Structure from Motion Solution: minimize the residual error of the projections of reconstructed 3D points Algorithm: Levenberg-Marquardt (with Conjugate Gradient under the hood)

4 Levenberg-Marquardt Function to minimize: Jacobian: Hessian:

5 Levenberg-Marquardt Inverse Hessian: Steepest Descent: Choose c:
Modified Hessian: Levenberg-Marquardt: , so

6 Synthetic Example #1 Generated test data from a rotating sphere
Sphere shape Vertex projections

7 Synthetic Example #1 Solved for 3D vertex positions
Parameters of transformation R(Rj p) + tj (Seven global parameters, four parameters per frame) Ran Levenberg-Marquardt for 35 iterations

8 Synthetic Example #1 Iteration 0

9 Synthetic Example #1 Iteration 1

10 Synthetic Example #1 Iteration 2

11 Synthetic Example #1 Iteration 3

12 Synthetic Example #1 Iteration 6

13 Synthetic Example #1 Iteration 7

14 Synthetic Example #1 Iteration 8

15 Synthetic Example #1 Iteration 10

16 Synthetic Example #1 RMS Projection Error vs. Iteration
RMS 3D Error vs. Iteration

17 Synthetic Example #2 Pig shape Vertex projections

18 Synthetic Example #2 True pig Reconstructed pig

19 Real Application – Match Move
First tracked points in an input video Video Tracked points (Thanks to Li Zhang for the video)

20 Real Application – Match Move
Solved for 3D points, camera motion Reconstructed points

21 Real Application – Match Move
Used camera motion to insert synthetic object Results!

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