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P12 Photo Composition.

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Presentation on theme: "P12 Photo Composition."— Presentation transcript:

1 P12 Photo Composition

2 The Target I consistently apply elements of effective photographic composition, and my photos are unique/advanced/etc. I can consistently take photos which have a clear center of interest and feature 1 or more elements of effective photographic composition: balance, rule of thirds, simplicity, framing, leading lines, pattern, viewpoint, and depth. I can apply elements of effective photographic composition inconsistently. I use photos with few to no elements of effective photographic composition.

3 Center of Interest The main focus of the photograph

4 Rule of Thirds Place your center of interest on one of the thirds lines

5 Balance When using the rule of thirds, be sure to avoid empty [unbalanced] space on the opposite side of the center of interest

6 Simplicity Shoot from an angle that allows for a quiet or uniform background

7 Framing Use objects in the foreground to frame the center of interest [in the background]

8 Leading Lines Use lines [of any type] to draw the eye to the center of interest

9 Pattern Shoot a pattern—or a break in a pattern

10 Viewpoint Try a different viewpoint—higher, lower, from the side, etc.

11 Depth Capture interesting elements in the foreground AND background

12 Your Turn Pick a theme and find an example of each technique.

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