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political independence ≠ cultural independence

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1 political independence ≠ cultural independence
DECOLONISATION POSTCOLONIAL ISSUES: Identity Culture and tradition Belief and religion Language Location or sense of displacement Process of revealing and dismantling colonist power in al its forms political independence ≠ cultural independence Britain’s national identity is conditioned by: Post-war migration Globalisation Long-term decline as «world power» Britain’s role in and out of Europe Devolution End of Empire Rapid advance of social pluralism Devolution: transference, as of rights, powers, property or responsibility, to another; the surrender of powers to local authorities by a central government. Pluralism: a social organisation in which diversity of racial, religious, ethnic or cultural groups is tolerated; pluralistic societies place strong expectations of integration on members, rather than expectations of assimilation.

The period after colonisation and after independence Any writing which is critical of colonialism POSTCOLONIAL LITERATURE refers to: Complex process by which the English language, originally a means to enforce British power and cultural hegemony in the colonies, is appropriated and modified by postcolonial societies. «the others next door» Deeply influenced by British culture Never forget their roots and have a deep relation with their counties’ past histories Integration issues play with the language (“otherness”) Struggle to find a balance between the sense of place of being British and the sense of displacement of being coloured «the people out there» The problem of the disjunction between the appropriateness of a imported language to describe non-English environments and experiences is central to a consideration and an understanding of this literature distinctive national varieties by the introduction of variations in pronunciation, syntax and vocabulary + Issues about one’s mother tongue

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