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Georgia Milestones Assessment System

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1 Georgia Milestones Assessment System
“Georgia’s Changing Assessment Landscape” Rockdale County Public Schools Terrence Martin, Assistant Superintendent Saturday, September 20, 2014’

2 What is the Georgia Milestones?
The Georgia Milestones Assessment System (Georgia Milestones) is a comprehensive summative assessment program spanning grades 3 through high school. Georgia Milestones measures how well our students have learned the knowledge and skills outlined in the state-adopted content standards in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. New Georgia Milestones

3 New Georgia Milestones
Comprehensive Single program - not a series of tests (e.g. CRCT, EOCT, GaWriting) Coherent Consistent expectations and rigor to position Georgia students to compete with peers nationally and internationally. Consistent signal about student preparedness for the next level. Consistent signal about student achievement both within system (across grades and courses) and with external measures (NAEP, PSAT, SAT, ACT). Consolidate Combine reading, language arts, and writing into a single measure to align to standards. Student preparedness to next level: next grade, course, or college/career New Georgia Milestones

4 Georgia Milestones Grades 3 – 8 High School
End of Grade (EOG) in language arts, mathematics, science, social studies High School End of Course (EOC) in 9th Grade Literature & Composition, American Literature & Composition, Coordinate Algebra, Analytic Geometry, Physical Science, Biology, US History, and Economics New Georgia Milestones

5 Georgia Milestones Elementary, Middle, High
Ga. Milestones Assessments will be designed to: Provide a valid measure of student achievement of state content standards (Common Core) across the full achievement continuum Provide a clear signal of student’s preparedness for next level Be accessible to all students, including those with disabilities or limited English proficiency, at all achievement levels New Georgia Milestones

6 Georgia Milestones Elementary, Middle, High
Ga. Milestones Assessments will be designed to: Suitable for promotion and retention decisions at grades 3 (reading), 5 (reading & math) and 8 (reading & math); waived for SY Serve as the final exam for EOC courses (High School). Contributing 20% to final course grade; waived for SY Support and inform educator effectiveness measures Inform state and federal accountability at the school, district, and state levels New Georgia Milestones

7 Georgia Milestones: Unique Features

8 Georgia Milestones Features Include…
Inclusion of constructed-response items in English Language Arts and Mathematics Inclusion of a writing component at every grade level and course within English Language Arts assessment Inclusion of norm-referenced items in every grade and content area (complement criterion-referenced items) to provide national comparison Transition to online testing administration over 5 years

9 Transition to Online Assessments
Year 1 {SY }: minimum of 30% {SY } Year 3 {SY }: minimum of 80% {SY } Year 5 {SY 18-19}: minimum of 100% Online administration will be the primary mode of administration for Georgia Milestones, with paper/pencil serving as back-up New Georgia Milestones

10 Blended Model: Criterion-Referenced & Norm-Referenced
Georgia Milestones will provide: Criterion-referenced performance information (performance levels) depicting students’ mastery of state standards (Common Core) Norm-referenced performance information (national percentiles) depicting how students’ achievement compares to peers nationally New Georgia Milestones

11 Norm-Reference Test Items (NRT)
Each content area/course test will contain 20 norm- referenced items The 20 NRT items will provide a national percentile score to provide a barometer of national comparison. Approximately 10 of these items have been reviewed by Georgia educators for alignment to the grade level/course content standards. Only those NRT items judged to be aligned by Georgia educators will contribute to the criterion-referenced proficiency designations of students. The NRT items were selected to reflect the full TerraNova subtest for each content area. National Comparison

12 Georgia Milestones It is important to remember that Georgia Milestones is primarily a criterion-referenced test, reflecting the content standards for each grade and course taught. Teachers will be expected to continue to teach the Georgia state-adopted content standards (Common Core Georgia Performance Standards) Teachers should teach the Georgia state-adopted content standards and not to the NRT standards

13 Georgia Milestones Item Types
Selected-response (multiple-choice) All content areas, Evidence-based selected response in ELA Constructed-response ELA and mathematics Extended-response Technology Enhanced to begin in Constructed response: Requires students to generate a response opposed to selecting a response Extended-response: Requires students to generate more elaborate answers and explanation of reasoning.

14 Examining Georgia Milestones: Item Types
Example – Grade 3 Mathematics – Fractions

15 Multiple Choice Which fraction is largest? A B C D
A B C Click to answer the item. Click to transition to CR item. D The content and presentation of these items are for illustrative purposes only.

16 Constructed Response >
George and Ana each had a 12-inch pizza. Both pizzas were split into 8 equal pieces. The shaded pieces are the portion of their pizzas that George and Ana ate. Express in fractions how much pizza George and Ana ate. Use the symbol <, =, or > to show who ate more pizza. George Ana Click to answer the item. Click to transition to CR item. George Ana > The content and presentation of these items are for illustrative purposes only.

17 Constructed Response George Ana 12 inches 9 inches George Carlos
George Ana 12 inches 9 inches George Carlos Click to answer the item. Click to transition to CR item. 12 inches 12 inches The content and presentation of these items are for illustrative purposes only.

18 Technology Enhanced > Click to answer the item.
Click to answer the item. Click to transition to CR item. > The content and presentation of these items are for illustrative purposes only.

19 Georgia Milestones: General Test Parameters

20 General Test Parameters
Georgia Milestones General Test Parameters English Language Arts will consists of 3 sections, 1 of which will focus mainly on writing Mathematics will consist of 2 sections Science will consist of 2 sections Social Studies will consist of 2 sections Each section will be approximately 70 minutes.

21 Georgia Milestones General Test Parameters
Tested Content Area # of Items Writing Tasks English Language Arts 60 Items 3 Constructed Response; 1 Extended Response Mathematics 73 Items 3 Constructed Response Science 75 Items None Social Studies Writing Genres Writing prompts will be informative/explanatory or opinion/argumentative depending on the grade level. Students could encounter either genre.

22 Georgia Milestones Writing at Every Grade
All students will encounter a constructed-response item allowing for narrative prose, in response to text, within first or second section of the test. Writing Section… 3 selected-response items asking about the salient features of each passage and comparing/contrasting between the two passages 1 constructed-response item requiring linking the two passages 1 writing prompt in which students must cite evidence to support their conclusions, claims, etc. Within the writing section of the test, students will read a pair of passages and complete a series of “warm-up” items:

23 Georgia Milestones: Scoring Rubrics
Constructed Response Rubrics are item specific and therefore cannot be released. The extended-response analytic writing rubric will be released. Students will be scored on two features: Idea Development, Organization, & Coherence Language Usage & Conventions

24 RCPS Preparation for Georgia Milestones…
Provide professional learning for teachers in developing and scoring open-ended questions for constructed & extended response test items. Equip teachers with instructional tools for effective teaching around the Georgia Common Core Standards. Provide increased opportunities for open-response questions in local RCPS Benchmark assessments. Provide increased opportunities for open-response questions in 4.5 weekly assessments. Embed opportunities for Benchmark assessments to be administered on-line at specific grade levels.

25 Georgia Milestones: Parent Resources

26 Georgia Dept. of Education http://www. gadoe
Milestones Resources… Accommodation Policies Allowable Accommodations for English Learners Allowable Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Georgia Milestones Calculator Policy Parents’ Guide to New Test in Georgia – National PTA

27 Parent Guide To Milestones National PTA:
Parent’s guide to Georgia’s new assessment developed by the National PTA [

28 Transition to Georgia Milestones: Resources Available Soon
Sample items specific to Georgia Milestones Ancillary support resources, such as Assessment Guides Student Study Guides Informational videos [parents & public /educators] Online Practice Center (to aid students in gaining familiarity for CTB’s online test administration system) RCPS Website Link for Information

29 Lexiles with stReadiness Indicators
Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Common Core Stretch Text – Lower Limit 520 740 830 925 970 1010 Common Core Stretch Text – Upper Limit 820 940 1070 1120 1185 On Track 625 775 845 930 Commendable 890 990 1085 1155 1210 1265 Meets 410 570 650 685 800 805 Exceeds 790 915 1040 US Typical Reader – Lower Limit 330 445 565 665 735 US Typical Reader – Upper Limit 700 810 910 1000 1065 1100 Georgia 2013 Median 860 1095

30 OPPORTUNITY… Georgia Milestones will provide an opportunity to recalibrate, as a state, and refocus on Teaching and Learning as a primary emphasis with assessment and accountability serving a supporting role.

31 Terrence Martin, Assistant Superintendent Rockdale County Public Schools The Office of School Improvement Research, Assessments & Accountability Phone:

32 Questions & Answers

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