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Living Love with one another

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1 Living Love with one another 27.8.2019
Did you know that roses are not only native to the United States, but they are also our national floral emblem? Or that June is National Rose Month? Or that the rose is the state flower selected by Georgia, Iowa, New York, North Dakota and the District On a first date, a single rose symbolizes love at first sight. it can also be given in years to To express a love that knows no bounds, send a bouquet that's equally as limitless - filled with fifty (or more) beautiful luxurious roses. Living Love with one another cc: Rrrrred -

2 think about who you know would benefit the most from each one of these one anothers and then decide to share it with that person in the next 7 days..... 1 John 3:16-18 cc: Aaron Burden -

3 This is how we know what love is:
Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

4 LOVE So, you want to know how to express love.....follow Jesus lead one another cc: Krista Mangulsone -

5 a dependence on one another for the slave owes his very life existence to the will of the owner.... Serve one another cc: philster

6 prayer has a definite outcome and in this case we are told that healing - can occur, both physical and spiritual healing Pray for one another cc: Rosie Fraser -

7 Forgive the model for forgiving is the forgiveness that Jesus extended to us..... one another cc: wilkristin -

8 Comfort one another sometimes called a ministry of presence - where you don't need to say anything, just being there is appreciated.... cc: marcoverch -

9 Speak the Truth to one another 27.8.2019
to each this case your neighbor - nothing like getting caught in a good lie to create tensions with your neighbor to one another cc: Tatiana12 -

10 ideas? Spur one another cc: Pandora's Perspective -

11 BURDENS Borne by one another 27.8.2019
The burdens in this context refer to the responsibility each saint should feel for the spiritual welfare of his fellow-saints, especially when they have sinned......and in the case of the sin which has taken him by surprise, of helping the sinning brother to go to the Lord Jesus with a confession of that sin. BURDENS Borne by one another cc: garryknight -

12 Wear Humility towards one another 27.8.2019
a lack of humility means we are setting ourselves up to be God's enemy on a battlefield...... Wear Humility towards one another cc: Rohit Reddy -

13 the context is reminding each other about the truth regarding the second coming and those who are dead Build one another up cc: Alex Radelich -

14 as I list these 10 I would invite you to think about that one for a minute...... Focus on 1 cc: Paul Skorupskas -

15 10 One Anothers Love one another Serve one another
Pray for one another Forgive one another Comfort one another

16 10 One Anothers Speak truth to one another Spur one another on
Bear one another's burdens Wear humilty with one another Build one another up

17 Focus on 1 and then think of the person who would benefit the most from this one another you focused on......and share it with them this week.... cc: Paul Skorupskas -

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