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Objective: To generate and organize ideas for analytical essay

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1 Objective: To generate and organize ideas for analytical essay
English 10 Honors Day 15 Objective: To generate and organize ideas for analytical essay

2 Active and Passive Voice
What is the difference between these two sentences: The boy dropped his ID. The ID was dropped by the boy. This sentence is ACTIVE because the subject (the boy) performed the action (dropped). Active sentences emphasize the noun performing the action. This sentence is PASSIVE because the subject (the ID) did NOT performed the action (dropped). Passive sentences often include the word “by” followed by the noun that actually performed the action or the doer may never be revealed. Passive sentences emphasize the object being acted upon.

3 Identify each of the following sentences as active or passive.
1. My grandmother calls me almost every day. 2. The cashier counted the change out carefully. 3. The injured man was rushed to the emergency room. 4. The parade was led by two young girls twirling batons. 5. The audience cheered at the play’s end.

4 Write three sentences, using a variety of active and passive sentences.
Write them on the board in the appropriate place.

5 Essay information You will be completing an essay in the next few class periods. The plan right now is Today= idea generating and organizing of ideas; maybe start a draft Next class (day 16) = type a draft in the Media Center This is the only time you will be in the lab for class. Day 17= brief revisions in class You will NOT be in a lab for revisions; it is your responsibility to complete revisions and edits outside of class time. Day 19= essay due Your final draft should be printed and turned in with the rubric at the START of class.

6 Write an analytical essay about Things Fall Apart in which you examine a character’s response to the cultural collision caused by the introduction of Western ideas into Ibo culture. In your essay, analyze how the collision challenges the character’s sense of identity and explain how his or her response shapes the meaning of the work as a whole.

7 Use this time to organize your ideas and outline your essay.

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