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02 | Getting Started with Arduino

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1 02 | Getting Started with Arduino
Chris Howd | Developer Content Planner, MS Paul Pardi | AppPlat Content Manager, MS

2 Module Overview What is Arduino?
Arduino Boards, Clones, and Shields Installing and Configuring Arduino Software Language Reference and Libraries Visual Studio Basics Demo - Your first Arduino “sketch” program

3 What is Arduino

4 What is Arduino? Open source hardware platform and retail product line. Easy to understand programming language based on C++ Programmable via USB port using many of today’s PC operating systems Very affordable and popular with a strong community Extensible hardware using daughterboard “shields” Extensible software using C++ libraries

5 Arduino Boards, Clones, and Shields
Arduino boards available today Shields are used to expand hardware capabilities Arduino clones: lots to choose from

6 Installing and Configuring Arduino Software

7 Installing and Configuring Arduino Software
Arduino Web site resources Arduino installation using the Windows Installer Install Visual Studio and Visual Micro

8 Language Reference and Libraries
Language Syntax for the Arduino Using Software Libraries

9 Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
Why Visual Studio and Visual Micro? Getting around in Visual Studio Menus Toolbars Windows

10 Your first Arduino “sketch” program

11 Review Arduino is a popular and well supported open source standard
Robotics hardware is both affordable and accessible Programming a robot is not that different from other programming once you understand the interface to electronic devices (which is what you will be learning in this training).


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