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Measles and Rubella Elimination Goals by WHO Region, 2012

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1 Measles and Rubella Elimination Goals by WHO Region, 2012
World Health Organization 31 August, 2019 PAHO continues to advocate with other WHO Regions and their development cooperation partners to step up their efforts to increase measles and rubella coverage, with a view to achieving elimination worldwide. As long as there is circulation of viruses in the other regions in the world, the Region of the Americas will be exposed to the risk of virus importations. EUR: Measles elimination by Rubella by 2015 EMR: Measles elimination by 2015 WPR: Measles elimination by 2012 PAHO: Measles elimination by Rubella by 2010 SEARO RC in Sept 2009 endorsed a resolution to mobilize support towards eliminate measles, 2010 RC meeting adopted the global 2015 measles targets (95% mortality reduction). Note: EURO changed target to 2015, EMRO is in process of changing target to 2015 AFR: 2020 Pre-elimination (98%) by 2012 SEAR: 95% Measles Mortality Reduction by 2015 Elimination by 2020? Americas (PAHO), Europe (EUR), Eastern Mediterranean (EMR), Western Pacific (WPR), Africa (AFR) have measles elimination goals. South East Asia (SEAR) has a mortality reduction goal. The Americas and Europe also have rubella elimination goals. 1

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