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TRIM–SLR interactions and the TRIMosome.

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1 TRIM–SLR interactions and the TRIMosome.
TRIM–SLR interactions and the TRIMosome. (A) TRIMs might link to LC3B directly (right) or indirectly (left) through SLRs, such as sequestosome-1/p62 (SQSTM1/p62). TRIMs interact with mammalian (m)Atg8s through LIRs that show a preference for GABARAPs in vitro. (B) TRIMosome, TRIM protein complex engaged in precision autophagy. Members of the complex and activation events are shown. See text for details. FIP200, also known as RB1CC1; P, phosphorylation; PI3P, phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (*); Ub, ubiquitin. Tomonori Kimura et al. J Cell Sci 2016;129: © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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