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The spin of an object around its center point or axis

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Presentation on theme: "The spin of an object around its center point or axis"— Presentation transcript:

1 The spin of an object around its center point or axis
rotation The spin of an object around its center point or axis

2 The orbit of one object around another object
revolution The orbit of one object around another object

3 The position of the Sun is exactly over the equator
equinox The position of the Sun is exactly over the equator

4 solstice Moment in the year when the Sun’s path is farthest north or south from Earth’s equator

5 The lit part of the moon becomes larger
waxing The lit part of the moon becomes larger

6 The lit part of the moon becomes smaller
waning The lit part of the moon becomes smaller

7 tide The rising and falling of the surface of the ocean caused by the gravitational force of the moon & sun

8 eclipse The movement of one object in the solar system into the shadow of another object, blocking it from view

9 Celestial body in orbit around the sun
planet Celestial body in orbit around the sun

10 moon Natural satellite that revolves around a planet or other celestial object other than a star

11 Chunk of rock and metal that orbits the Earth
asteroid Chunk of rock and metal that orbits the Earth

12 Chunk of ice and rock that orbits the Sun
comet Chunk of ice and rock that orbits the Sun Halley’s comet comes around every 75 years/2061

13 meteoroid Small, rocky particles that move through space (when they enter Earth’s atmosphere, they produce a streak of light called a meteor

14 star Large sphere of hydrogen gas hot enough for nuclear reactions to occur in its core

15 The distance light travels in one year
Light year The distance light travels in one year

16 Huge collection of stars, gas, and dust
galaxy Huge collection of stars, gas, and dust

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