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Navigating NAPLAN A Voiceless Teaching and Learning Program Years 7 & 9 Persuasive Writing LESSON 5 Write here, write now!

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Presentation on theme: "Navigating NAPLAN A Voiceless Teaching and Learning Program Years 7 & 9 Persuasive Writing LESSON 5 Write here, write now!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Navigating NAPLAN A Voiceless Teaching and Learning Program Years 7 & 9 Persuasive Writing LESSON 5 Write here, write now!

2 Hint: you may find the Legal Personhood Fact Sheet helpful.
Persuasive writing stimulus #1 Non-human animals should count as ‘persons’ under the law, not just as ‘things’. Hint: you may find the Legal Personhood Fact Sheet helpful.

3 Hint: you may find the Dolphins in Captivity Fact Sheet helpful.
Persuasive writing stimulus #2 It is acceptable to keep dolphins in captivity for the purpose of educating and entertaining people. Hint: you may find the Dolphins in Captivity Fact Sheet helpful.

4 Housing chickens permanently indoors is not acceptable.
Persuasive writing stimulus #3 Housing chickens permanently indoors is not acceptable. Hint: you may find the Broiler Chicken Welfare Fact Sheet helpful.

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