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Angel Calvo Team leader Economic Analysis Unit

2 Fisheries data system in the CFP
Member States Control authorities National Databases Control Scientific Control Member States National Databases Data Collection COM Conservation Legal obligations Legal obligation IFDM COM Monitoring fishing activity  ADVICE TAC QUOTA Scientific advice (ICES, STECF, RFMOs) Policy Decisions (TACs/QUOTAs/ Effort limitation)

3 Objectives of the 2014 CFP and needs for data to manage EU fisheries:
Fishing is environmentally, economically and socially sustainable Fishing at maximum sustainable yield (MSY) (by 2020) Precautionary and ecosystem approaches Reduction of discards through the landing obligation

4 How to achieve these objectives?
Conservation and sustainable exploitation through multiannual plans (MAPs) fish stock recovery areas fishing opportunities compliance with Union environmental legislation other Commission and Member States measures regionalisation Consultation of Advisory Councils DATA

5 Conservation and sustainable exploitation: fish stock recovery areas
fishing prohibition or restriction concentrations of small fish spawning grounds biological sensitivity EU and MS may take initiative

6 Data Collection Framework
Establishes rules on : the collection, management and storage, in the framework of EU multiannual programmes, of biological, technical, environmental and socio-economic data concerning the fisheries, aquaculture & processing sectors; the use of data concerning the fisheries sector in the framework of the Common Fisheries Policy, for the purpose of scientific analysis and to form the basis of scientific advice.

7 What data is collected (I)
Categories Types of variables Sector covered 1. Fisheries - Biological data A. Stocks: species x area    B. RFMO and SFPA Stocks: species x area C. Diadromous species Commercial fish stocks –Length, age, weight, sex, maturity, fecundity of individual fish. Recreational fish stocks – nos and weight/ length. Rest of biological variables to be defined based on end user needs  Diadromous species – inland waters 2. Fisheries - Fishing activity Capacity, effort, landings specifications for data collected under CR or otherwise All commercial catches in all areas 4. Impact of fisheries on marine ecosystem A. Incidental by catch B. Impact on marine habitats (Reg 1224/2009) C. Impact on marine resources and ecosystem Through pilot studies 5. Fisheries - Socio-economic data   Different categories of income and of costs, employment, size of the fleet or sector, energy, social indicators Commercial fisheries fleet   for fisheries Commercial Fisheries 'Fisheries-dependent data'

8 What data is collected (II)
Categories Types of variables Sector covered List of research surveys at sea List with the names and description of the surveys, time of year, species, life stage, area, number of days at sea Fish stocks-fisheries independent data for fisheries Scientific surveys at sea 'Fisheries-independent data'

9 What data is collected (III)
for aquaculture Categories Types of variables Sector covered Aquaculture –Economic, social and environmen tal data   Different categories of income and of costs, employment, size of the fleet or sector, energy, social indicators, environmental performance data Data not covered by ESTAT (everything but production volume). Data already recorded elsewhere that could serve to evaluate environmental performance. Data on freshwater aquaculture voluntary and if above a certain threshold

10 What data is collected (IV)
for the processing industry Categories Types of variables Sector covered Processing industry Different categories of income and of costs, employment, size of the fleet or sector, energy, social indicators. On a voluntary basis

11 Procedures Recast – ‘the basics’ EU MAP – “what” to collect
End users data calls EU MAP – “what” to collect Annual Report – “what” + “how” - implementation Work Plan -“what” + “how” -planning

12 Procedures D a t a c o l l e c t i o n D a t a c a l l s
Year n-1 D a t a c a l l s D a t a c o l l e c t i o n Year n Work Plan D a t a c o l l e c t i o n Annual Report Year n+1 Data Transmission Failures

13 Procedures MS coordinate data collection through:
i) Regional Coordination Groups Baltic North Sea North Atlantic Mediterranean & Black Sea Large Pelagics Long-distance fisheries ii) Planning Group for Economic Issues (PGECON)

14 Procedures Under multi annual plans for collection of data: EU-MAP
Current EU-MAP ( ) expires next year New EU-MAP under preparation in 2 steps: 2 years extension of the EU MAP ( ) Review of the current one and development of a new EU MAP

15 How much it costs? DCF is co-funded by the EMFF
EU contribution is 80% or 520 M€ for 7 years, (74.3 M€ per year) Work plan linked to EMFF

16 III. fisheries activity data
NB : « fisheries activity data » are often called « control data » Aimed at collecting data necessary for monitoring fishing activities carried out by EU vessels (everywhere) and by non EU vessels fishing in EU waters. A series of regulations: The control regulation (EC) 1224/2009 as amended sets up a series of reporting obligations for fisheries operators (master, buyer, carriers…) from departure from port to first sale data are received by flag MS and exchanged between MS and with the Commission and EFCA. Under revision

17 The framework Based on a series of regulations:
The control regulation (EC) 1224/2009 as amended The Fleet register regulation where fishing vessels are registered The SMEFF regulation for fishing authorisations Control reporting requirements set up by RFMOs agreements and SFPAs agreements Control reporting requirements established under specific regulations such as multi-annual plans, discards plans etc

18 Data collected Fishing activity reported to Com: VMS (position) data
Monthly aggregated catches per species: concern all catches including vessels < 10m and recreational, for both regulated and non regulated species (MS agreeement) Monthly effort reports Specific reporting per RFMO and SFPAs COM access to disaggregated data (difficult in practice)

19 Challenges Completeness of the data:
Data from vessels < 10m and recreational Paper collection (<12m; sales notes, transport…) Accuracy and quality in general: room for improvement Commission proposal for revision of the Control Regulation: All data to be collected electronically, all operators Comparability with ESTAT

20 1. Data quality and policy uses
Build balance indicators (fleet reports) Data reference for evaluations of conservation measures(management plans) Support for IA and policy analysis Evaluation and implementation of structural policies. MS and external organizations (FAO, OECD) Economic impacts of 2019 TACs Data validation tools Review by experts in MS Expert meeting Review by MS and STECF STECF endorsement Data quality checks As mentioned earlier, we put particular emphasis on the quality and the analysis. There are several stages (3 layer of quality checks) of data quality checks through the whole process. (As a result of this process, the reliability (quality) of data has improved and the report provides a more analytical approach. Because the quality and coverage of this report increased in recent years, so did its use for policy making) As the quality and coverage of this report increased in recent years, so did its use for policy making. The report (serves various purposesresponds to different needs in policy analysis and policy making: To mention some of these policy uses: it is the data reference for the IA and provides the basis for building some indicators of overcapacity, it support the evaluation of conservation measures, it is the reference for most indicators in the EMFF and can provide evidence when assessing the impacts of structural policy. It has also been quoted by other institutions like the EP, OECD or FAO. Analysis of drivers and trends Policy support

21 The big numbers of the EU fleet
2. Main results The big numbers of the EU fleet € 7.7 billion landings income €4.3 billion GVA €1.3 billion Net profit fishermen fishing vessels 63 000 SSCF What's the big picture? In terms of input , in 2016 there were 151 fishermen working in vessels, from which were fleets in the SSCF. 7,7 billion translated into 4.3….

22 Main results Good news…
Main drivers: (1) higher "landings per unit of effort", (2) higher average prices for various species, (3) lower total costs.

23 High growth in revenues and profitability
Good news… 2. Main results High growth in revenues and profitability


25 And the challenges ahead…
2. Main results And the challenges ahead… 25% of the EU fleets still in losses 5 national fleets (HR, CY, MT, LT and FI) still suffering net losses in 2016. The economic performance of many EU fleets in the Mediterranean region, although profitable, continues to stagnate. The economic performance of several SSCF fleets, although profitable, continues to stagnate or show limited improvement. Employment in some EU fleets/regions continues to decline.

26 2. Main results The challenges ahead

27 3. Future developments Analysis of ancillary activities: multipliers of the SSCF and LSF Study on the economic importance of activities ancillary to fishing in the EU

28 Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Thank you! DG MARE Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries


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