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2 RECAP OF OUR LAST STUDY “The Surrendered consecrated life”: Consecration is to be set apart for God’s use and service. A consecrated believer will experience the depth and height of God’s love and power. We are called to offer ourselves unto God a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto Him. We are delivered from the present evil world never to be conformed to it again. We must keep ourselves unspotted from the world for our religion to be pure.

MEMORY VERSE: …… “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another” (Numbers 6:8). TEXT: Romans 12:9-13,2; 1 Corinthians 13:1-8

4 INTRODUCTION The study of today stresses the importance of Christian love. Pure love produces selfless, sincere and excited service to one another in the Church. Love is more important than all spiritual gifts together: Great faith, acts of dedication or sacrifice, and miracle working power have no value without love. Love makes our actions and gifts useful. Love sanctifies our Christian service. Our study also shows us the practical elements of love and how to demonstrate this love in our daily living.

5 CHRISTIAN LOVE: THE BASIS OF SERVICE Romans 12:9-10; John 13:34-35
Love will fire our zeal and enable us to reach the world. It is love that tells the world that we are disciples of Christ. The measure of our love should be Christ’s love for us. Love goes beyond pretence and politeness. It requires concentration and effort. It helps others to become better. It is not lust. It comes from God. This love sets aside fleshly desires and sacrifices time, money and personal involvement without expecting something in return. It is impartial and honest. Love overlooks the faults of others without approving of sin. Love is the foundation of acceptable service.

6 CHRISTIAN LOVE: THE BASIS OF SERVICE Romans 12:9-10; John 13:34-35
QUESTION 1: What is the place of love in Christian service? – John 13:34-35 QUESTION 2: How is love best expressed? – Romans 12:9-10; 1 Peter 1:22-23; Ephesians 4:32

7 COMMITMENT AND ZEAL IN GOD’S SERVICE Romans 12:11,12; Acts 18:25
“Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11). We must be diligent in the place of work and in Christian service. We must do our domestic duty like keeping our homes tidy and our bodies clean. The preacher must study and pray before ministering to people. Choristers must be diligent in practice or rehearsal. There should be internal motivation and desire to serve. We should do our service with cheerfulness and zeal. QUESTION 3: Mention six things that should characterise our Christian service – Romans 12:11,12; Ephesians 6:6

8 SACRIFICIAL LOVE AMONG THE BRETHERN Romans 12:13; 1 John 3:16, 17
Every believer, whether poor or rich, has something to contribute. We must show mercy to the needy by giving tangibly. Our love should be impartial, active and practical. We can speak kind words to comfort, counsel or encourage. Supreme love for God and love for our fellow men attracts divine blessings: there will be divine favour, satisfied needs and answered prayers. QUESTION 4: How and what can we distribute to meet the needs of other believers? – 1 John 3:16,17; Hebrews 13:2; Acts 2:44,45; 1 Timothy 6:18

9 CONCLUSION Love is the basis of all Christian service. Sincere love will promote outreach to the world and unity in the Church. Love must be expressed in word and deed. Believers are to be diligent in business, spiritual service and domestic life. Every believer has something to offer: we all should seek opportunity to reach out to the needs of others in the fellowship. All acts of love will be divinely rewarded.

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