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How To Use This Template - Slide Order

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Presentation on theme: "How To Use This Template - Slide Order"— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Use This Template - Slide Order
Please order your slides as such: 1: Title Slide 2: Bio Slide 3: Point 1 Slide 4: Point 1 Supporting Statistic 5: Supporting Slides (Use a variety of slide styles) 6: (Repeat 3, 4, & 5 for additional points) 7: Thank You Slide 8: Speaker Bio Slide 9: Title Slide

2 How To Use This Template - Slide Rules
Minimum Font Size: 20pt (This is 20pt font, anything smaller will not be legible to the audience) Colors: You have three font colors that can be used they are BLACK - #000000, RBG – 0,0,0 RED - #8C1B28, RGB – 140,27,40 BLUE - #1B4263, RGB – 27,66,99 Please don’t forget to delete these slides and any extra slides from the end of this template when you’re complete)

3 Session Title Subtitle (optional) Your Name, IGP

4 Your Name, IGP Your bio…

5 Section Title Super short section description

6 Slide Title Bullet Point Another Bullet Point A Final Bullet Point

7 2 Pane Slide Title Bullet point 1 Bullet point 2 Bullet point 3
Optional text

8 Comparison Item 1 Item 2 Thing 1 Thing 2 Thing A Thing B

9 Title Only

10 Slide Title So many ways this to leverage slide option.
Additional information can go over here. When using this slide style, you can use Smart Art, tables, charts, bullet points, or just plain text. Lots of options.

11 Who doesn’t love a good picture?
Everyone loves a nice picture and this slide option can be a visually appealing option for you to use in your presentation.

12 Thank you. Always say “thank you” at the end of your slides and then repeat the title slide and your bio slide at the end.

13 Session Title Subtitle (optional) Your Name, IGP

14 Your Name, IGP Your bio…

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