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SUU Presents: ACT Prep.

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1 SUU Presents: ACT Prep

2 The ACT The ACT is a national college admission test, accepted by colleges and universities across the United States.

3 Best ACT Advice! The ACT is timed.
In order to get an average score on the ACT you need to get at least 55% of the questions correct. In a regular test this is a failing grade but the ACT is a different beast! Breakdown questions into 3 categories. 1. Know the answer, 2. May know the answer and 3. Don’t know the answer. Choose to spend your time on 1 and 2. For 3 pick a ”letter of the day” and fill in those questions with it. If you have time you can go back and answer the ones you don’t know later.

4 ACT Set Up English 75 questions in 45 min.
grammar & usage, punctuation, sentence structure, strategy, organization, and style four-choice-multiple-choice usage/mechanics and rhetorical skills questions Math 60 questions in 60 min. pre-algebra, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, coordinate geometry, plane geometry, and trigonometry five-choice-multiple-choice questions Reading 40 questions in 35 min. reading comprehension of what is directly stated or implied four-choice-multiple-choice referring and reasoning questions Science interpretation, analysis, evaluation, reasoning, and problem solving four-choice-multiple-choice data representation, research summaries, and conflicting viewpoints questions Writing (optional) 1 essay in 40 min. writing skills essay prompt

5 English Section English 75 questions in 45 min.
grammar & usage, punctuation, sentence structure, strategy, organization, and style four-choice, multiple-choice usage/mechanics and rhetorical skills questions

6 English Questions Correctly forming and joining sentences (20.5% of grammar questions) Correct use of commas, dashes, and colons (17.7% of grammar questions) Correctly using nonessential clauses and relative pronouns (9.6% of grammar questions) Correct verb tense and form (9.6% of grammar questions) Logical transitions (18% of rhetorical questions) Adding information (16.7% of rhetorical questions) Conciseness (15.5% of rhetorical questions) Replacing and re-wording information (15.5% of rhetorical questions)

7 English Question Example
Sentence, Fragment or Run-on? My dog, Angel, barks at squirrels in the front yard. Angel, who is part greyhound and part Rottweiler. After owning Angel for eight years, we got another dog, her name was Elsa.

8 English Question Example
Sentence, Fragment or Run-on? My dog, Angel, barks at squirrels in the front yard. Sentence Angel, who is part greyhound and part Rottweiler. Fragment After owning Angel for eight years, we got another dog, her name was Elsa. Run-on

9 English: Practice Question
Benjamin’s grandmother taught him to read, and he attended a one-room Quaker school when the farm work slowed down during the winter. Which of the following alternatives to the underlined portion would NOT be acceptable? read; he read, and he also read he read. He

10 English: Practice Question
Benjamin’s grandmother taught him to read, and he attended a one-room Quaker school when the farm work slowed down during the winter. Which of the following alternatives to the underlined portion would NOT be acceptable? read; he read, and he also read he (C does not do anything to join the two clauses together - this is a classic example of a “fused” run-on sentence.) read. He

11 Math Section Math 60 questions in 60 min.
pre-algebra, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, coordinate geometry, plane geometry, and trigonometry five-choice, multiple-choice questions

12 Math: Basic Things to Know
Pre-algebra: about 20-25% of questions Elementary algebra: about 15-20% of questions Intermediate algebra: about 15-20% of questions Coordinate geometry: about 15-20% of questions Plane geometry: about 20-25% of questions Trigonometry: about 5-10% of questions

13 Math Pre-Algebra

14 Math Elementary Algebra

15 Math Intermediate Algebra

16 Math Coordinate Geometry

17 Math Plane Geometry

18 Math Trigonometry

19 Reading Section Reading 40 questions in 35 min.
reading comprehension of what is directly stated or implied four-choice, multiple-choice referring and reasoning questions

20 Reading Question Format
Read a section and answer the related multiple choice questions.

21 Reading: Basic Things to Know
Question Type Average Number of Questions   Percentage of Questions Big Picture 4 10% Little Detail 18 45% Vocabulary in Context 3 8% Development and Function 9 22% Inference 6 15% All Questions 40 100%

22 Reading Big Picture - Deal with the main point of the passage or the narrator’s overall point of view. These types of questions require you to look at the passage holistically rather than focusing on one specific section. Little Picture/Detail - Ask about a small piece of factual information in a passage. They are the most straightforward questions because they’re so literal - you just have to find the correct information.  Vocabulary in Context - Ask about the meaning of a word in the context of the passage. They may also reference something in the passage and ask you to choose a vocabulary word that best describes it. Development and Function - Ask about how a certain paragraph, sentence, or phrase functions in the context of the passage, how the argument in the passage was developed, or how the author structured the passage. Inference - Ask you to make inferences based on a logical extension of information found in a passage.

23 Science Section Science 40 questions in 35 min.
interpretation, analysis, evaluation, reasoning, and problem solving four-choice, multiple-choice data representation, research summaries, and conflicting viewpoints questions

24 Science The ACT Science section consists of several “passages” where you’ll have to respond to short paragraphs, charts, graphs, tables, or some combination. The categories are: Biology Chemistry Earth/space sciences Physics

25 Science 3 main Passage Formats Data Representation Research Summaries
Conflicting View Points

26 Science 1. Data Representation Format:

27 Science 2. Research Summaries

28 Science 3. Conflicting Viewpoints (Read three different Hypothesis)

29 Writing Writing (optional) 1 essay in 40 min. writing skills
essay prompt

30 Writing Question Format

31 Writing Advice Clearly state your own perspective on the issue and make sure to analyze the relationship between it and one other given perspective. Use reasoning and examples to support your view. Before writing organize your ideas in a clear way to avoid rambling.

32 ACT Advice Process of Elimination – Eliminate obvious wrong answers. Look for answers that are similar. Letter-of-the-day – Never leave a question unanswered. No penalty for guessing. Don’t Get Stubborn – If you get caught up on a question don’t continue to work through it. Come back if you have time.

33 ACT Study Advice Analyze practice tests – It’s better to analyze one test for 3 hours than take 3 practice tests in a row. Learn what you did wrong. Focus on What You Know - Don’t try to learn any new information the night before the test. Study Smart - Study those sections that have the highest probability of being on the test. (Example: It is better to study Pre-algebra which consists of 20-25% of the questions than Trigonometry which covers about 5-10% of the questions.) Remember the majority of people only answer half the questions correctly.

34 Any Questions?

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