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What is the Bike Trip. The Bike Trip is an annual summer retreat (Aug

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1 What is the Bike Trip. The Bike Trip is an annual summer retreat (Aug
What is the Bike Trip? The Bike Trip is an annual summer retreat (Aug. 2 – 4) for our youth group. We start by biking roughly 40 miles from the Kalamazoo Trail Head of the Kal-Haven Trail to the Van Buren State Park. Our pace is fairly laid back and we take a lot of breaks along the way, including a long lunch break. Once we're at the park we'll send the bikes back to OBC, set up tents at a large, group camp site, and then camp for two nights. Along the way we'll enjoy teaching/worship sessions, meals cooked over the fire, plenty of time at the beach, a lot of fun and games, and great opportunities to build and strengthen relationships within the group.

2 When do we leave? Friday, August 2nd, 7:00 AM from the Kal-Haven Trail Head on 10th St. North of H Ave. When do we get back? Sunday, August 4th, around 2:00 – 3:00 PM at Oakwood Bible Church (we will have students call/text home when we leave to give a more specific arrival time. everyone needs to help clean up when we return). Who can attend? The Bike Trip is for students who will be entering 7th grade in the Fall through graduating Seniors. Students are welcome to invite friends to go on the Bike Trip with us as long as they're within this age range. We do need adult chaperones on the trip as well, both for biking and camping, (and are usually in the greatest need of female chaperones), so parents interested in attending, please contact Wendy asap!!

3 How do I sign up? There is a sign-up sheet in our teen room, or you can Wendy that you will be attending. The sooner you can sign up the better - this will help with finalizing plans! Be sure to indicate your t-shirt size when you sign up.  What does it cost? $25 for students, no charge for chaperones. Please turn this in with your Medical and Activities Information and Photo Use form to Wendy by Thursday night August 1st or at the Kal-Haven Trail Friday morning. Please Wendy for Medical and Activities Information and Phot Use Forms. What does the cost include? You will receive a t-shirt, plus this helps offset the cost of the campsite, food, gas, and other expenses. Are there any other costs? On Friday night we will drive to Sherman Dairy Bar in South Haven and you'll need money if you'd like to get ice cream or other treats. There are also a few places along the bike route where you can buy snacks if you'd like.

4 What do I need to bring?  A bike and bike helmet (necessary if biking), water bottle clothing (check the weather and plan accordingly), shoes, sandals, sleeping bag, pillow, modest swimwear, beach towel, bath towel, toiletries, flashlight, sunscreen, bug spray, rain coat, Bible, pen/pencil, spending money (Sherman's/snacks). Please pack light as space in the trailer is limited. Is there anything else I CAN bring? Some optional things to think about packing are extra snacks (please keep in a sealed container as to not tempt critters to break into our tents!), travel dinnerware/mess kit (to help reduce the amount of paper plates, cups, and utensils we'll use) and a camp chair. What should I NOT bring? Knives or other weapons, lighters, fireworks, anything else that might be dangerous, and electronics! Let's go off the grid this weekend! IF you bring a cell phone, limit use to contacting parents in case of emergencies, and remember that our adult chaperones will have phones for this very reason! For safety reasons headphones will not be allowed while biking, but let's opt for the sounds of nature over music this weekend anyway. This weekend will be an excellent opportunity for us all to unplug!

5 Do I need to bring a tent?  No, we have several large tents that everyone will fit in?
Do I have to bike? Students who do not want to, or are unable to, bike can still join us for camping. You may either ride in the support van or meet us at the Van Buren State Park. Do I have to camp? You may go home after biking but you will need to arrange your own ride home. I have a game/concert/family reunion/etc. during the trip, can I still go? Of course! Please just let a leader know, and be sure to arrange your own ride there and back.

6 What safety precautions are taken while biking
What safety precautions are taken while biking? Every participant must wear a bike helmet while biking. Most of the trip will take place on the Kal Haven Trail and Van Buren Trail. Several adult chaperones will accompany us to guide student safely across intersections and for the portion of the trip through South Haven when trails are not available. At least one adult will be at the front of the pack, another will bring up the rear, and the rest will be scattered throughout the group. A support van will always be nearby to provide aid, help direct traffic at busy intersections, and in case any participants need to take a break from biking. Students who don't follow instructions or other safety protocols may be asked to ride in the van at least temporarily.

7 What safety precautions are taken while camping
What safety precautions are taken while camping?  Several adult chaperones will participate on the trip. Students must stay in groups and keep leaders informed of where they'll be at all times. Younger students will need to stick in groups that include an adult. No students will go to the lake without an adult present. We will not go in the water at all under red flag conditions, if there is a yellow flag it will be up to the discretion of the adult present. Horseplay is discouraged, especially near the campfire or in and around the water. Everyone, please be sure to treat each other, and every location we visit, with care and respect!

8 What happens if the weather is bad that weekend
What happens if the weather is bad that weekend?  Given our track record with rain during the bike trip, a better question would be, what happens if the weather is GOOD that weekend! In all seriousness, though, the bike trip will happen rain or shine. In past years high winds have created red flag conditions on Lake Michigan that have prevented us from swimming. During particularly rainy bike trips we have driven into South Haven (WalMart, Meijer, etc...) to temporarily escape the rain, and in some cases to buy dry clothes and other supplies for participants whose bags got soaked. We have been fortunate to not have to cancel for severe weather, but would consider doing so if severe storms were to strike that weekend - please pray that does not happen as the park books ups very quickly and rescheduling would be difficult.

9 I'm a parent of a student going on the trip, how can I participate or help? There are several things you can do. First of all, we need adult bikers and campers - or people who can do both! I like to have at least two male and two female chaperones with the group at all times, so if you can help during any portion of the trip, please let me know. We'll also be accepting food donations to help us keep costs for the trip down. Please let me know if you'd like to bake any cookies or other treats to use as snacks or desserts, or muffins or other foods we can serve at breakfast. Or let me know if you'd like to donate any prepackaged snacks or foods such as granola bars, fruit snacks, trail mix, beef jerky, etc... You're probably well aware that teenagers eat a lot of food, so every little bit helps! I still have a question that wasn't addressed in this ! Please Wendy

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