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Populations Biology 2015-2016.

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1 Populations Biology

2 http://www.worldometers.inf o/world-population/
Populations Objective: to understand the way that populations of different organisms grow and shrink, and what factors cause these changes in a population o/world-population/

3 I. Describing a population
Geographic Distribution: the area inhabited by a population Map shows the Geographic Distribution of the California Quail

4 2. Population density: number of individuals per unit area

5 few individuals in a unit area: example: trees High density:
Population Density: b. Low density: few individuals in a unit area: example: trees High density: lots of individuals in one area: example grass

6 3. Growth rate: how quickly a population changes in size
Example: Some bacteria can double their population in minutes! 45 Minutes

7 3. Growth rate: how quickly a population changes in size
Example 2: Trees can not double their population in 45 minutes. Its takes years and years for a population of trees to double in size. 45 years

8 II. Factors affecting population growth
Birth rate Death rate

9 Birth = Death  Stays the same 100 Born Die

10 b. Birth > Death  Increases 150 Born Die

11 Birth < Death  Decreases 50 Born Die

12 3. Immigration: movement of individuals into an area
Example: The Bison immigrates to a meadow full of grass because it provides a good source of food.

13 4. Emigration: movement of individuals out of an area
Example: The Bison Emigrates away from a meadow without grass because it does not provide a good source of food.

14 5. You must emigrate from somewhere in order to immigrate to somewhere.
Emigrate from.. Immigrate to..

15 Exponential Growth: individuals reproduce at a constant rate
III. Types of Growth Exponential Growth: individuals reproduce at a constant rate Conditions necessary for exponential growth Example: Shape of graph Graph 1. Unlimited Resources 2. Absence of disease and parasites Bacteria J

16 Exponential Graph

17 2. Logistic Growth: Population grows rapidly until some factor limits growth
When does population growth slow or stop? Birthrate: Death rate: Immigration: Emigration: b. Example: c. Shape of Graph d. Graph Down Up Down Up Most animal populations in nature S

18 Logistic Graph

19 e. Carrying capacity: Maximum # of individuals that an area can support

20 IV. Limits to Growth Limiting Factor: Condition that controls population size ex: food, land Animals in a population may not have enough food to go around

21 IV. Limits to Growth example: Effect on evolution:
2. Competition: Two or more species attempt to use same resource example: Effect on evolution: Bird and squirrel both eat berry

22 b. Effect on evolution: both species under pressure to change in ways that decrease their competition Squirrel eat nuts Bird eat worm

23 3. Predation: one organism eats another
a. example: Mouse and Snake b. predator: Hunter c. prey: Hunted

24 3. Predation: one organism eats another
d. Effect on evolution: prey species evolve defenses against predators, predators evolve counter defenses Snake: forked tongue and heat vision Mouse: Camouflage

25 4. Parasitism: organisms live and feed inside/on a host organism
examples: Fleas, ticks, leaches, tape worm

26 5. Random events: Unusual weather, human activities, natural disasters.

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