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Christ High-Ascended Hymn #558 CHRISTE SANCTORUM

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1 Christ High-Ascended Hymn #558 CHRISTE SANCTORUM
A Collection of Lutheran Music ‘Christian Worship’ Edition Hymn #558 Christ High-Ascended Text: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926 CHRISTE SANCTORUM Tune: Antiphoner, Paris, 1681 PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler

2 #558 - Christ High-Ascended
[1] Christ ****-********, *** ** ***** seated, Throned *** *******, ******* completed, Death's ***** ******** ******* defeated-- We *** *** witnesses.

3 #558 - Christ High-Ascended
[2] Christ, **** *** ****** **'** ***'* possessing, Who ** *** ****** ****** ***** ** blessing, Sends ***** *** ********, ***** ** ***** confessing-- We *** *** witnesses.

4 #558 - Christ High-Ascended
[3] Christ, *** ** ***** *** *** ** salvation, Lives *** *** ********* ** *** *** creation; To *** ********* *** ** **'** nation-- We *** *** witnesses.

5 #558 - Christ High-Ascended
[4] Christ ** *** ********, *** ******** gaining, Christ **** *** ****** ******** remaining, Christ ** *** ****, ********** reigning-- We *** *** witnesses.

6 #558 - Christ High-Ascended
[5] As ** *** *******, *** ***** ****** grieving, Faith ** *** ******** ********** *** believing; Filled **** *** ******, **** *** ***'* receiving, We *** *** witnesses.

7 A Collection of Lutheran Music
Text: © 1984 Hope Publishing Co. Tune: Public Domain PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler

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