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Today’s Notes As we discuss the causes and effects of slavery in more detail, use the graphic organizer to categorize the information: CAUSE of slavery

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Notes As we discuss the causes and effects of slavery in more detail, use the graphic organizer to categorize the information: CAUSE of slavery"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Notes As we discuss the causes and effects of slavery in more detail, use the graphic organizer to categorize the information: CAUSE of slavery something that encouraged the enslavement of Africans FACT about slavery in the Americas EFFECT of slavery something that happened as a result of the enslavement of Africans.

2 FACT: Africans who immigrated to the Americas during this time period arrived as slaves

3 CAUSE: The growth of plantations and need for labor in the Americas led to an increase in African enslavement.

4 EFFECT: Slave traders did not care about the lives of their slaves and many died on their travel to the Americas. Millions of Africans lost their lives because of the slave trade.

5 CAUSE or EFFECT of slavery?
Europeans believed that they were superior to Africans. This made it easier for them to enslave people who they did not respect.

6 Cause or Effect of Slavery?
Slavery led to a forced migration of Africans to the Americas It also led to the spread of African culture to the Americas. (EFFECT)

7 Cause, Effect, or Fact about Slavery?
American societies created a social class system based on color of skin—the lighter the skin, the higher the social status. (EFFECT)

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