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United States Department of Agriculture

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1 United States Department of Agriculture
U.S. Forest Service and University Partners: Recruiting our Next Generation of Leaders Asheville, NC January 9-10, 2017 Forest Service October 2014

2 Workforce Plans in the USFS Southern Region and Southern Research Station
Rick Lint, Forest Supervisor, Francis Marion & Sumter NF Gerry Jackson, Assistant Director, Business Operations, SRS

3 5 year workforce plans Include the following information:
Factors affecting recruitment, retention and development of the workforce Workforce diversity and trends Mission critical occupations (MCO’s) Gaps to having a well developed, quality, diverse organization Strategies to address those gaps

4 1. Factors affecting recruitment, retention and development
Southern Region (R8) Southern Research Station Increasing complexity and scale in research questions Greater policy interest in research results Reduced numbers of scientists and technicians on the rolls due to diminished funding. Limited ability to fill vacant positions due to funding. Reduced capacity for collaboration with universities, other partners Increasing complexity in landscapes surrounding NF’s Expanding urban areas and land uses Increasing demands for visitor services, recreation special uses Increasing encroachment Reduced competition in timber Increased focus on watershed Changing demographics

5 2. Workforce diversity and trends
Southern Region (R8) Southern Research Station 337 permanent employees (20% decline since 2010) 99 FIA employees; 36 field crew 25 temporary Approx. 10 post-doc students 81% of the permanent workforce is white (Fy2015 data) Women, Persons with Targeted Disabilities and Veterans are underrepresented compared to the civilian labor force 2,320 permanent employees (18% decline since 2010) 200 temporary employees (35% decline since 2010) 78% of the permanent workforce is white (Fy2015 data) Women, Persons with Targeted Disabilities and Veterans are underrepresented compared to the civilian labor force

6 2. Workforce diversity and trends (continued)
Trends in Separations Anticipated Hiring Anticipated hiring in R8 in the next 4 years includes 307 permanent and 67 temporary positions Anticipated hiring in SRS in the next 4 years is estimated at positions Retirement is the primary type of separation Millennials had the highest percentage of resignations

7 3. Mission critical occupations
Southern Region (R8) Southern Research Station GS-460 – Research Forester GS-110 – Research Economist GS-408 – Research Ecologist 13%, 0% and 10% of the current SRS employees in these series, respectively, will be eligible to retire between now and 2020 GS-340 – Program Management GS-462 – Forestry Technician GS-1102 – Contracting 45%, 18%, and 27% of the current R8 employees in these series, respectively, will be eligible to retire between now and 2020

8 Southern Research Station
4. Workforce gaps Southern Region (R8) Southern Research Station Retirement of research scientists in critical skill areas Challenge finding new recruits for highly specialized science fields Limited access to high quality pool of applicants Increasing ability to use special hiring authorities to fill positions requiring a high level of expertise ‘One scientist standing’ in some areas Lack of career ladders for advancement, lack of lower graded career ladders Lack of clarity on employee developmental paths Loss of corporate knowledge Weak outreach to non-traditional sources Limited use of special hiring authorities

9 5. Strategies to fill gaps
Focus agency efforts on: Recruitment and retention using all tools available for new hires Employee development and training Workforce and organizational change/re-alignment Knowledge management and transfer Recognize what new recruits want in their careers Flexible work schedules and workplaces Career development and advancement New technology, applications

10 5. Strategies to fill gaps (cont’d)
Nurture additional “soft” skills: Teaming Partnerships Oral and written communications Interdisciplinary skills Conflict management

11 Next… understanding USFS hiring processes and authorities

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