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Creative Quotations from Jean de LaBruyere (1645-1696) born on Aug 16 French philosopher, writer; The Theophrastus of France wrote social satire on.

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Presentation on theme: "Creative Quotations from Jean de LaBruyere (1645-1696) born on Aug 16 French philosopher, writer; The Theophrastus of France wrote social satire on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creative Quotations from Jean de LaBruyere ( ) born on Aug 16 French philosopher, writer; The Theophrastus of France wrote social satire on characters of Theophraste, 1688.

2 There are only two ways by which to rise in this world, either by one's own industry or by the stupidity of others.

3 A mediocre mind thinks it writes divinely; a good mind thinks it writes reasonably.

4 It is the glory and merit of some men to write well and of others not to write at all.

5 To make a book is as much a trade as to
make a clock; something more than intelligence is required to become an author.

6 There is no business in the world so troublesome as the pursuit of fame: life is over before you have hardly begun your work.

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CREDITS: Copyright 2008, Baertracks. BeMoreCreative & Creative Quotations are pending trademarks. Public domain portrait; Wikimedia Commons. Background music from Sound Ideas.

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