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Common Core Standards:

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1 Common Core Standards:
RL , RL , RL Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019 Aim: How can we prepare to research a technology innovation for a crime scene? Objective: Students will prepare to research a technology innovation for a crime scene. Do Now: Answer both of the following questions. 1.) Which of the following technology innovations for a crime scene do you find most useful and intriguing (interesting): Panoramic 3D Cameras, High-Speed Cameras, Human Microbiome, Computers, AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System), Photography, DNA (genetic fingerprinting), Holograms, Brain-Scan Polygraphs, Laser Devices, Ion Sniffers, or Satellite Tracking? 2.) Why did you choose that technology innovation in question #1?

2 Common Core Standards:
RL , RL , RL Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019 Aim: How can we prepare to research a technology innovation for a crime scene? Objective: Students will prepare to research a technology innovation for a crime scene. Agenda 1.) Do Now/Turn and Talk: Provide your answer independently. Turn and talk with your tablemates. 2.) Whole Class Sharing: Captains will share with the class. 3.) Read-Aloud: Whole class reading of two articles. Students will highlight/underline key points for their chosen technology innovation. 4.) Work Period: Answer this question: How are _______________(your chosen technology innovation) used in a crime scene? Use notes from one of the articles we read in class and your own prior knowledge. Write sentences. 5.) Reflections: What did you learn about technology innovations used in a crime scene? Was there any new or surprising information about your chosen technology innovation?

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