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LILRA3 increased density of synaptic contacts in mouse cortical neurons cultured for 21 days. LILRA3 increased density of synaptic contacts in mouse cortical.

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1 LILRA3 increased density of synaptic contacts in mouse cortical neurons cultured for 21 days.
LILRA3 increased density of synaptic contacts in mouse cortical neurons cultured for 21 days. (A–C) Representative images of three independent primary mouse cortical neurons cultures on PDL-coated coverslips that were spotted with recombinant (r)Nogo 66 plus control IgG had reduced numbers of synaptic contacts, as demonstrated by a decreased number of spots staining for both synaptophysin (green) and PSD95 (red); βIII tubulin was used as marker for dendrites (purple). (D–F) Co-incubation of neurons with recombinant LILRA3 reversed the Nogo-66-mediated inhibition resulting in increased numbers of synaptic contacts to numbers, comparable to His tag control neurons (G–I). (J) Box-whisker plots of synaptic contacts of three independent neurons cultures under the different treatment conditions showing significantly lower synaptic contacts for neurons cultured on coverslips spotted with Nogo 66 plus IgG (median=132 contacts) as compared to neurons grown on Nogo 66 plus LILRA3 (343.6 contacts) or control His-tag-coated coverslips (324.5 contacts). ****P< (one-way ANOVA). The box represents the 25–75th percentiles, and the median is indicated. The whiskers show the complete range. Hongyan An et al. J Cell Sci 2016;129: © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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