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Natural Gas Innovation Fund Investment Intake Template

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Gas Innovation Fund Investment Intake Template"— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Gas Innovation Fund Investment Intake Template
Natural Gas Innovation Fund Investment Intake Template *Note: This template is intended as a guide on content; you may use your own template with the checklist on S2 as a guide

2 Checklist Page Title 3 Corporate Profile 4 Funds Raised to Date 5
Problem – Solution 6 Environmental Benefits 7 Innovation 1 – Key Innovation 8 Innovation 2 – Detailed Description 9 Innovation 3 – History of Technology Development, Key Performance Metrics 10 Innovation 4 – Visual Aids 11 Innovation 5 – Intellectual Property 12 Innovation 6 – Technical Risks to Overcome Commercialization 13 Market 17 Management/Project Team 18 Project Partners 19 Project Summary 20 Project Work Plan 21 Project Budget 22 Project Funding 23 Summary 24 Next Steps 25 Contact Information

3 Corporate Profile (maximum 1 slide)
Applicant Name Designated Contact Project Title Title Applicant Address Telephone Telephone - Primary Mobile Website Legal Status Date of Incorporation Ownership Owner / Major Shareholder(s) / Partners In Business Since Full – Time Employees - Number Annual Revenues Main Product / Service

4 Funds Raised to Date (maximum 1 slide)
Prior private or public funding raised to date in the development of your innovation is required. Please complete the table below: *Maximum of 150 characters, including spaces, per item above; 16pt font. Organization Funding Source Date of Agreement Funding Amount Funding Private / Public Grant / Loan / Equity / In-Kind Scope / Activity for Funding

5 Problem – Solution (maximum 1 slide)
Define the problem that your technology will solve for natural gas X (maximum of 600 characters, including spaces, 16pt font) Briefly, how will your technology solve this problem?

6 Environmental Benefits (maximum 1 slide)
How does the use of the technology result in emission benefits (provide absolute and relative estimates of emissions benefits)? What would happen in the absence of the proposed technology? What sources of energy use are displaced? What emissions sources are displaced? List any relevant key assumptions to validate the claimed benefits. *Maximum of 150 characters, including spaces, 16pt font, per item.

7 Innovation A – Key Innovation (maximum 1 slide)
What is the key innovation? X (maximum of 600 characters, including spaces, 16pt font) What are the competing technologies?

8 Innovation B (maximum 1 slide)
Detailed description of technology? X (maximum of 600 characters, including spaces, 16pt font) Technology readiness level (See Annex, slide 24)?

9 Innovation C (maximum 1 slide)
Provide a brief history of the technology development to date (maximum of 600 characters, including spaces, 16pt font). List key performance indicators (metrics for costs, efficiencies, etc.) achieved to date relative to the competition (maximum of 150 characters, including spaces, 16pt font per entry). Performance Indicator Proposed Technology Competitor #1 Competitor #2 Competitor #3 Competitor #4 Cost Efficiency Geography Implemented Understanding Canadian Market

10 Innovation D – Visual Aids (maximum 2 slide)
Drawings Photos Renderings Process Flow Diagrams

11 Innovation E – Intellectual Property (maximum 1 slide)
A breakdown of your patent applications to date is required. Is the IP protected? How? Renderings What is covered by the IP? Who owns the IP? *Maximum of 150 characters, including spaces, 16pt font, per above item. IP Type Filing Date Country Patent # Status Description Patent

12 Innovation F – Technical Risks to Overcome Commercialization (maximum 1 slide)
Technical risks to overcome to commercialize: Risk High, Medium, Low Mitigation

13 Natural Gas Market A (maximum 1 slide)
Quantify the Canadian and global market opportunity for the technology. X (maximum of 600 characters, including spaces, 16pt font) Quantify the potential market share and list assumptions to support that estimate.

14 Natural Gas Market B (maximum 1 slide)
What is your anticipated business model/path to market? X Where is your initial target market? What partnerships do you have or foresee to accelerate market roll-out? *Maximum of 600 characters, including spaces, 16pt font, per item.

15 Natural Gas Market C (maximum 1 slide)
Who do you see as the end-user/customer for you technology solution? What are the end-user and/or public benefits of your technology solution (see below for examples)? Lower energy bills Increased appliance efficiency Reduced equipment first cost New high-efficiency, low emission options for commercial and industrial consumers to aid economic development. Enhanced consumer, public, and gas operator safety Enhanced system integrity Reduced environmental impacts (CO2, CH4, NOx) Reduced escalation of O&M costs What are the key customer benefits related to the use of your technology, i.e., what is the value proposition for the customer? What is the payback period or improvement to return for the customer and why? *Maximum of 600 characters, including spaces, 16pt font per item.

16 Natural Gas Market D (maximum 1 slide)
List direct and indirect competitors and their key performance indicators strengths and weaknesses: Competitor Name Strengths Weaknesses

17 Management / Project Team (maximum 1 slide)
Who will work actively on the project, who will advise, etc.? Who, from the project partners, will advise on the project? What relevant experience does the project team have? (technical expertise, business expertise, project management expertise, etc.) Management Team Full Name Organization Role Years of Experience Responsibility Previous Relevant Experience Project Team *Maximum of 150 characters, including spaces, 16pt font, per entry.

18 Project Partners (maximum 1 slide)
Letters of Intent are required from organizations that are participating in the project funding. Letters should be addressed to NGIF, confirm funding is in place subject to any conditions, describe the organization participation, and be signed by an officer of the company. X Partner Organization Role in Project Status (Target/Letter Of Intent/Contract) Funding Amount *Maximum of 150 characters, including spaces, 16pt font, per entry.

19 Project Summary (maximum 1 slide)
Project Title: Summary of Scope and Objectives (maximum of 150 characters, including spaces, 16pt font, per bullet): X What needs to be achieved for a successful outcome (maximum of 150 characters, including spaces, 16pt font, per bullet)?

20 Project Work Plan (maximum 1 slide)
Start Date: End Date: Demonstration Site(s): Overall Objective: Key milestones, duration and key objectives to achieve during milestone: Milestone Activity Duration (months) Key Objective to Achieve *Maximum of 150 characters, including spaces, per item; two (2) slide maximum.

21 Project Budget Estimated total cost of the project: Item
Estimate ($k CAD) Labour Travel Equipment / Materials Subcontractors Other Total

22 Project Funding Project funding sources: Include itemized partner contributions, other government funds etc., this may include in-kind contributions. Include estimate of funding request from NGIF (refer “Guidelines Document” for Round 4 NGIF participation) Funding Source Amount ($k CAD) Status Cash In-kind Target Letter of Intent Contract Lead Organization (Applicant) Partner #1 Partner #2 Partner #3 Total

23 Summary (maximum 1 slide)
Please give a brief summary of your project scope and objectives, focusing on how this project solves an industry problem. Problem your technology solves Project scope and objectives How does a NGIF project advance the technology toward commercialization? Size of market opportunity Potential environmental benefits

24 Next Steps (maximum 1 slide)
*Maximum one (1) slide maximum.

25 Full Contact Information (maximum 1 slide) Applicant Name Applicant Title Company Address (# Street, Suite #) City Province / State Postal / Zip Code Phone (Area Code, Number)

26 Annex – Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
Description Definition 1 - 3 Research and Applied Research At this stage of development, technology is at conceptual articulation, technology and applications described, and laboratory and studies analysis 4 - 5 Prototype Development At this stage of development, the technological components have been integrated and the concept has been proven. Projects in this category include technology improvement, development of a prototype system, and prototype testing in a simulated operational environment 6 Prototype Testing in relevant environment At this stage of development, the technology is tested in relevant environment. Projects in this category include testing a prototype, integrated with existing systems, if applicable, in a laboratory environment or in a simulated operational environment. Engineering feasibility demonstrated. 7 Field Pilot At this stage of development, the technology is ready to be field tested in an operational environment. Projects in this category include scale up of prototypes to representative pilot scale demonstration and subsequent in-field demonstration testing of pilot units. 8 Deployment At this stage of development, the technology is approaching the final commercial product and representative systems have been built. Projects in this category include demonstration of near or fully-commercial scale systems in an operational environment. 9 Commercial Implementation At this stage, the technology is ready for commercial deployment. Projects in this category will involve design, construction, and operation of the technology in its final commercial form, with the intent to operate the technology for its full commercial life.


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