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Loughton School Curriculum evening

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Presentation on theme: "Loughton School Curriculum evening"— Presentation transcript:

1 Loughton School Curriculum evening

2 Loughton Immersive Learning
Talk through the reason for the change Course attended and inspirational head teacher Process with the governors and T & L

3 Inspired Final amendments made this year – behaviour course conversation Inspiring children as tag line

4 The LIL (Loughton Immersive Learning) curriculum is designed to create successful learners and enable our children to be exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their life and education – emotionally, socially and academically. Talk about the pastoral side of learning and the support we have in school. Link to Zoe and the PSHE part of the evening later.

5 We recognise that there is a responsibility on the part of all stakeholders – the governors, the school, the parents and the children - to develop well-rounded individuals. The environment in which a child learns at Loughton challenges the traditional view of the classroom, creating a sense of awe and wonder while facilitating immersive learning. Talk about Maslow’s hierarchy of need and how important it is regarding children’s learning.

6 The Loughton Curriculum inspires all children to be life-long learners
The Loughton Curriculum inspires all children to be life-long learners. They will leave our community ready for the next part of their learning journey. Talk about SATs and the new Ofsted framework

7 Independent Independent thinkers with inquisitive minds
Self-assured and responsible Enthusiastic and self-motivated Reflective

8 Respectful Thoughtful, caring and active member of the community.
Development of social skills Tolerance of others Empowered to find their voice and opinions

9 Resilient Reinforcing positive mental health and self-image
Aspirational Believe that challenge and problem solving is part of learning Critical thinkers

10 Flexible, creative mind-set Enthuse and capture curiosity
Deeper learning Passion for learning

11 So what does the new curriculum look like?
Take the parents to the I can webs on the website.

12 Talk about enrichment activities

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