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What were the New Lifestyle & Values of the 1920s?

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Presentation on theme: "What were the New Lifestyle & Values of the 1920s?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What were the New Lifestyle & Values of the 1920s?
U.S. History & Government 11th Grade Boys/Girls 29 August 2019

2 Rural & Urban Differences
1920 Census Conservative social standards Hard work More Americans were living in the cities than in small towns Thriftiness Close families People left farms in increasing numbers and moved to cities Good neighborly relations Following Church teachings Small-Town Values

3 Urbanization & Urban values
There were over 65 cities with population of 100,000 or more NYC, Philadelphia & Chicago became huge New City Values: Population Diversity: Openness to new ideas in art, science & politics Night outing, drinking and gambling, casual dating Fast-paced, impersonal and lonely life

4 New Movement and problems
Prohibition Movement: a result of the clash of urban & rural values 18th Amendment prohibited Alcoholic beverages in 1920. Support came from religious rural White Protestants from south and west

5 Problems generated by Prohibition
Enforcement was difficult Growth of Speakeasies Hidden saloons and nightclubs that served alcohol illegally Smuggling by Bootleggers People who smuggled alcohol into the U.S. from Canada & the Caribbean Created a chain of corruption by bribing police and judges

6 General Disrespect for Law
Great deal of money to flow out of legal businesses to organized crime Underground gangs of illegal liquor business Al Capone of Chicago 21st Amendment repelled the 18th amendment

7 Science & Religion Clash
Rise of Christian Fundamentalism in the 1920s Religious movement based on the belief that everything in the Bible is literally true Rejected growing trust of Americans in science Opposed the religions of immigrants Opposed evolutionary theory and wanted it to be stopped from being taught

8 1925: Tennessee made it illegal to teach Theory of Evolution
John Scopes, a biology teacher, was charged with the crime ACLU supported Scopes and Hired Clarence Darrow to fight for him Scopes Trial got a lot of media attention Scopes was found guilty.

9 Home work Questions 1, 2 & 5 on page 645

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