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Plant Vocabulary. Plant Vocabulary Plant Tissues.

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Vocabulary. Plant Vocabulary Plant Tissues."— Presentation transcript:


2 Plant Vocabulary

3 Plant Tissues

4 Roots, Stems, and Leaves

5 Plant Classification

6 Plant Systems and Hormones

7 Parts of a Flower

8 Plant Vocabulary Plant Tissues Roots, Stems, and Leaves Plant Classification Plant Systems/ Hormones Parts of A Flower $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

9 Cells surrounding the stoma that regulate the size of the stoma

10 What are guard cells

11 The transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma in flowering plants

12 What is Pollination

13 The tissue within the vascular system used to transfer water up from the roots

14 What is the Xylem

15 The movement of water from the roots of a plant throughout the stem and leaves and into the atmosphere

16 What is Transpiration

17 Regulation and maintenance of constant internal conditions in an organism

18 What is Homeostasis

19 Plant tissues that transports glucose made from photosynthesis in the leaves to the rest of the plant

20 What is the Phloem

21 Covers the outside of the plant to protect it and forms the outer bark

22 What is Dermal Tissue

23 A gardener who removes all the pine cones from a tree is affecting which system?

24 What is the Reproductive System?

25 The response in the illustration is most likely caused by

26 What is dehydration

27 Made of 2 networks of hollow tubes called xylem and phloem

28 What is Vascular tissue

29 The part of the plant that absorbs sunlight and carries out photosynthesis

30 What are leaves

31 Anchors plants to the ground and absorbs water and minerals from the soil

32 What are Roots

33 Increases the root system’s surface area to increase water absorption for transport into the vascular tissue system

34 What are Root Hairs

35 Daily Double!!

36 Leaves contain this pigment which makes the plant green

37 What are Chloroplasts

38 Hardens cell walls to provide strength and support

39 What is Lignin

40 Lacks vascular tissue and needs water to reproduce

41 What are Non-vascular plants

42 The function of the Petals

43 What is a to attract pollinators

44 Ferns have vascular tissue for transport and are this type of plant

45 What is a Seedless vascular plant

46 This type of plant can have seeds and or flowers for pollination

47 What is an Angiosperm

48 The correct order of plant evolution from first to last

49 What is Algae, Non-vascular, Seedless Vascular, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms

50 This system helps the plant reproduce

51 What is the Reproductive system

52 This system helps plants grow, develop, and respond to the environment

53 What is the Response system

54 A plants ability to orient its growth towards or away from the earth

55 What is Gravitropism

56 Chemicals in the response sytem that encourage growth, development, and reproduction

57 What are Hormones

58 Daily Double!!

59 The tropism enabled by auxin that causes cells on the shady side of the plant to elongate

60 What is Phototropism

61 The portion of the male reproductive structure that contains pollen

62 What is an Anther

63 An organ that produces female gametes

64 What is an Ovary

65 The function of a flower

66 What is Reproduction

67 A flowering plant whose seeds has one cotyledon, lateral veins, and flower parts in groups of 3

68 What is a Monocot

69 The female reproductive structure of a flowering plant

70 What is the Carpel/Pistil

71 How do plant systems work to make the movement of liquid possible?
Final Jeopardy How do plant systems work to make the movement of liquid possible?

72 Roots absorb water and move them up to the stem, while the stem moves sugar in the leaves down to the roots.

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