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Result of coincubation assays with peptide-loaded target cells, Jurkat effector cells, and bs-868Z11-CD3 at six different concentrations. Result of coincubation.

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Presentation on theme: "Result of coincubation assays with peptide-loaded target cells, Jurkat effector cells, and bs-868Z11-CD3 at six different concentrations. Result of coincubation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Result of coincubation assays with peptide-loaded target cells, Jurkat effector cells, and bs-868Z11-CD3 at six different concentrations. Result of coincubation assays with peptide-loaded target cells, Jurkat effector cells, and bs-868Z11-CD3 at six different concentrations. (A) Measured fold induction above background for Jurkat effector cells activated at different concentrations of bs-868Z11-CD3 against SL9 peptide–loaded T2 target cells. Error bars represent biological triplicates. (B) Measured binding affinities for peptide ligands from the positional scanning library and their respective bsTCR activation threshold and the lowest bsTCR concentration necessary to induce Jurkat effector cell activation threefold over background based on bioluminescence. Peptides are grouped on the basis of the location of the exchange in the wild-type sequence. (C) Measured binding affinities for peptide ligands from the positional scanning library and their respective NetMHC-predicted binding rank. Peptides are grouped on the basis of the bsTCR activation threshold. (D) Measured binding affinities for the cross-reactive peptide ligand candidates and their respective bsTCR activation threshold. (E) Measured fold induction above background for Jurkat effector cells stimulated at different concentrations of bs-868Z11-CD3 against ALYNVLAKV peptide–loaded T2 target cells. Error bars represent biological triplicates. Andreas Moritz et al. Sci. Immunol. 2019;4:eaav0860 Copyright © 2019 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works

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