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Responses to the biotic environment

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Presentation on theme: "Responses to the biotic environment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Responses to the biotic environment
Animal Interactions Responses to the biotic environment

2 INTERSPECIFIC AGGRESSIVE Competition Predator-prey Parasite-host CO-OPERATIVE Mutualism Commensalism Antibiosis

3 Competition Individuals of different species vie for the same resource in an ecosystem (e.g. food or living space). Gause’s principle – no two species with exactly identical niches can co-exist for long in the same place competitive exclusion (one species outcompetes the other) OR adaptive radiation (one species adapts to a different niche)

4 Predator-prey relationships
Evolution  physiological & behavioural adaptations Predator becomes a more successful predator Prey becomes better at escaping predation Birds of prey have developed extremely good eyesight to spot prey from a distance PREDATORS 1 – PREY 0

5 Foxes are fast and quick-witted

6 Lynx vs rabbit PREDATORS 3 – PREY 0

7 Lions hunt co-operatively

8 Speed is very advantageous for prey animals........

9 Methods of getting food
Let the prey come to you Traps Webs Bait Ambush Sieves

10 Methods of getting food
Move after the prey speed teamwork swarms tools appendages


12 Parasite-host relationships
Mosquito Ectoparasite

13 Endoparasite

14 Parasitoid wasp lays eggs on caterpillar
Parasitoid – only parasitic for part of life cycle

15 INTERSPECIFIC AGGRESSIVE Competition Predator-prey Parasite-host CO-OPERATIVE Mutualism Commensalism Antibiosis

16 Mutualism Bees pollinate flowers

17 Mutualism Tickbirds eat ticks

18 Commensalism Remoras attach themselves to sharks and hitch a ride, also eat leftovers

19 Antibiosis Large trees shading out smaller undergrowth
Animals trampling down the homes of smaller animals Human sewage disposal

20 “Go outside to do your business”

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