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Every lesson – after entering quietly

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1 Every lesson – after entering quietly
Get set, learn! Dare to dream Every lesson – after entering quietly Stand behind your desk, remove your coat, get out your equipment and put your bag on the floor +5/-5 I will invite you to sit down and start your task – instructions on board You will show pride in presentation by ruling off, putting the date, underlining titles with a ruler, using a pencil for drawings and writing as neatly as you can +5/-5 WHY? I want you to be a successful learner, make progress and use your book as a useful revision aid. I want you to be SUCCESSFUL for the future. I have high expectations of you. Praise the students that they have already completed this: the expectation is that they follow this every lesson

2 Poetry Recap Name three power of nature poems.
‘We build our houses squat’ comes from which poem? True or false: the ‘storm’ in ‘Storm on the Island’ could symbolise the violent political disturbances that Ireland has experienced? Who wrote ‘Bayonet Charge’? True or false: ‘Bayonet Charge’ was written during WWI? 2. STOTI 3. TRUE 4. Ted Hughes 5. False – set during WWI published in 1957 2/3 – Comment on the end of the play using textual evidence 4/5 – Explain inferences made 6/7 – Examine the effects used by Priestley 8/9 – Analyse the impressions made on the reader

3 Context How would this play differ if it was set in the present day? Get ready to share! Bronze – some basic understanding of the context Silver – clear understanding and comment on the links between context and the play Gold – thoughtful examination and explain the links between context and the play Platinum – critical analysis of the links between context and the play

4 Can you…? Do you know the context to the play?
Do you understand how it is reflected in the plot? Can you create a set of revision notes in preparation for Year 11? Bronze – some basic understanding of the context Silver – clear understanding and comment on the links between context and the play Gold – thoughtful examination and explain the links between context and the play Platinum – critical analysis of the links between context and the play

5 Success today Bronze – some basic understanding of the context
Silver – clear understanding and comment on the links between context and the play Gold – thoughtful examination and explain the links between context and the play Platinum – critical analysis of the links between context and the play Bronze – some basic understanding of the context Silver – clear understanding and comment on the links between context and the play Gold – thoughtful examination and explain the links between context and the play Platinum – critical analysis of the links between context and the play

6 GCSE English Literature
Paper 2 – Modern Texts and Poetry Section A – Modern Texts AO1 – Read, understand and respond to texts (12 marks) AO2 – Analyse language, structure and form (12 marks) AO3 – Relationship between text and context (6 marks) AO4 – Vocabulary and sentence structure, spelling and punctuation (4 marks) Bronze – some basic understanding of the context Silver – clear understanding and comment on the links between context and the play Gold – thoughtful examination and explain the links between context and the play Platinum – critical analysis of the links between context and the play

7 What was Priestley’s main message in ‘An Inspector Calls’?
J.B. Priestley What was Priestley’s main message in ‘An Inspector Calls’? Central question to be referred back to throughout the play. This could be addressed in groups, with the last 10 minutes of the lesson hearing feedback from each table. Bronze – some basic understanding of the context Silver – clear understanding and comment on the links between context and the play Gold – thoughtful examination and explain the links between context and the play Platinum – critical analysis of the links between context and the play

8 J. B. Priestley Born 13th September 1894 died 14th August 1984.
Mother died in the year he was born. Left school at 16 ‘to write’ and began work in 1910 as a junior clerk at a wool firm. Priestley stated that it was the period that ‘set their stamp upon me’ (the time before the first world war). Priestley surrounded himself with ‘people who read a great deal, cared a lot for the arts and preferred real talk and hot argument to social chit chat’. He found himself having political discussions with his father’s socialist friends. He fought in WWI and narrowly escaped death on multiple occasions Can this be linked to specific aspects of the play? Bronze – some basic understanding of the context Silver – clear understanding and comment on the links between context and the play Gold – thoughtful examination and explain the links between context and the play Platinum – critical analysis of the links between context and the play

9 Socialism “The establishment of a system of society based upon the common ownership and democratic control of the means and instruments for producing and distributing wealth by and in the interest of the whole community.” The Socialist party of Great Britain. Can this be linked to specific aspects of the play? Bronze – some basic understanding of the context Silver – clear understanding and comment on the links between context and the play Gold – thoughtful examination and explain the links between context and the play Platinum – critical analysis of the links between context and the play

10 Capitalism An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. Google definition Can this be linked to specific aspects of the play? Bronze – some basic understanding of the context Silver – clear understanding and comment on the links between context and the play Gold – thoughtful examination and explain the links between context and the play Platinum – critical analysis of the links between context and the play

11 Socialism v Capitalism Card Sort
Firstly, cut the headings out and stick them at the top of your page. Place the cards in the correct column. Do not stick any statements down until you are certain of them. Bronze – some basic understanding of the context Silver – clear understanding and comment on the links between context and the play Gold – thoughtful examination and explain the links between context and the play Platinum – critical analysis of the links between context and the play

12 Political views During the 1930s Priestley became very concerned about the consequences of social inequality in Britain. Priestley was influential in developing the idea of the Welfare State which began to be put into place at the end of the war. He believed that further world wars could only be avoided through cooperation and mutual respect between countries, and so became active in the early movement for a United Nations. Established and was part of The Common Wealth Party, which later became The Labour Party Can this be linked to specific aspects of the play? Bronze – some basic understanding of the context Silver – clear understanding and comment on the links between context and the play Gold – thoughtful examination and explain the links between context and the play Platinum – critical analysis of the links between context and the play

13 Context Watch the following video and construct your own notes.
BBC documentary – on the X drive. Bronze – some basic understanding of the context Silver – clear understanding and comment on the links between context and the play Gold – thoughtful examination and explain the links between context and the play Platinum – critical analysis of the links between context and the play

14 What was Priestley’s main message of the play?
Context What was Priestley’s main message of the play? Central question to be referred back to throughout the play. This could be addressed in groups, with the last 10 minutes of the lesson hearing feedback from each table. Bronze – some basic understanding of the context Silver – clear understanding and comment on the links between context and the play Gold – thoughtful examination and explain the links between context and the play Platinum – critical analysis of the links between context and the play

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