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Confidentiality issues Basic principles

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1 Results of TF1 and the effects of the new Regulation on European Statistics on the ESS-operations
Confidentiality issues Basic principles Transmission of confidential data Genovefa Ruzic and Karmen Hren, Statistical Office of Slovenia

2 Basic principles (1) Data obtained exclusively for the production of ES shall be used exclusively for statistical purposes Dilemma for other collections (combined, e.g. environment data, registers) Task of NSI? Exception: for scientific purposes but only data without name, address or ID number

3 Basic principles (2) Only dissemination of non-identifiable data allowed, except in the following cases: the disclosure is allowed by an act of the EP and the Council (e.g. Intrastat, Extrastat, PRODCOM) unambiguous agreement of statistical unit Statistical authorities should ensure physical and logical protection of confidential data; principles and guidelines are to be harmonized at EU level

4 Transmission of confidential data (1)
Transmission enabled: between ESS members or between ESS and ESCB members If necessary for efficiency and quality of European Statistics, data should be used only for statistical purposes Transmission obligatory if defined by an act of the EP and the Council: from ESS to ESCB members

5 Transmission of confidential data (2)
Practical arrangements for voluntary transmission: agreement technical details coordinative role of NSIs also when other national authorities take part in the exchange of data Appropriate coordination of the content of surveys at EU level – to achieve the original purpose of transmission (to minimize burden and avoid double collections)

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