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Training module 10 Fact sheet on pilot test in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

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1 Training module 10 Fact sheet on pilot test in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

2 Presentation of the pilot territory (1/2)
Communauté d’Agglomération des Portes de l’Isère (CAPI) territory Territorial ID CAPI is situated 50 km East of Lyon. It is a small hills region with an average attitude of 250 m. The major part is rural but because CAPI is located on the highway between Lyon, Chambéry and Grenoble, the urban part has been growing for 40 years also with a growth of the population. It is a quite big economic area and a modal connection with St Exupéry airport and the TGV (High Speed Train) station .

3 Presentation of the pilot territory (2/2)
Monts du Lyonnais (MdL) territory Territorial ID MdL is situated 30 km West of Lyon. It is a medium hills region with an average attitude of 600 m. This territory is more rural than CAPI and has less transport connections due to the hills. The population is growing and quite young regarding to the regional average. With the same surface, MdL has one third of the CAPI population.

4 Approach in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (1/4)
Context: In France and in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, SEAP (Sustainable Energy Action Plan) are mandatory for all cities or group of municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants. Our both territories are concerned and have set up their SEAP in the last 5 years. They also have both applied to set up a TEPOS (Positive Energy Territory) project that is to establish an Energy Plan to be self-sufficient until Their policies and objectives must also in line with the regional SRADDET (Regional Sustainable Developpement Plan) ones

5 Approach in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (2/4)
The needs of the territories’ stakeholders Most of the mayors have been elected in 2015 and the new ones wanted to make a link between, on one side, their policies and objectives and, on the other side, the actions that have been undertaken for 5 years. After 5 years, they wanted to come back to the fundamental objectives of their policies and to evaluate he results in order to improve them. They also wanted some benchmark to compare their situation and results to others. That is why we have chosen to define the STT tool with a close involvment of the politicians and technical services that will be the users of the tool. We then had many meetings with the stakeholders of both pilot territories and especially elected people to understand their needs

6 Approach in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (3/4)
The needs of the institutions On the other hand, the State and the Region are assisting the territories to implement their sustainable energy policies. They are interested in the tool with two levels of motivation : Monitoring of the regional objectives and results Sharing objectives and priorities with the territories We also had meetings with them to better anderstand their needs.

7 Approach in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (4/4)
Conclusion : A regional tool for both needs We then started with two levels of CCL. The first one at regional level and the second at local level with the stakeholders of the pilot territories to select the indicators ond contextualiszed the STT. We organised meetings to exchange on different needs and clarify the link between sustainable buldings and environment or energy but also with economy, social improvement or health care and well being. The CESBA tool implementation follows the objective to help politicians and technical services to define easily their priorities, reinforce their policies towards them and give them a board to evaluate and monitor. It gives also to the region a tool to monitor the regional objectives.

8 Cesba Alps passport in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (1/2)

9 Cesba Alps passport in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (2/2)
Monts du Lyonnais

10 Regional passport with Auvergne Rhône-Alpes STT tool

11 See the video of the CESBA Alps project in Auvergne Rhône-alpes:
Conclusion All regional indicators are calculated for EVERY territory ( municipalities, federation of municipalities, province etc…) All indicators are integrated in the online webplatform developped by AURA-EE See the video of the CESBA Alps project in Auvergne Rhône-alpes:

12 Annex Detailed results

13 Presentation of the pilot territory

A TERRITORIES AND ENVIRONMENT Unit CAPI value MDL value Regional median value A1 Land A1.6 CO2 sequestration through bio-sequestration TEC CO2/ha 164 250 222 A2 Water Quality A2.4 Good ecological status: surface water bodies (rivers and lakes) % 11% 25% 15% A2.7 Good GWB chemical status: Groundwater -82% 82% A3 Nature and Biodiversity A3.1 Green Infrastructure 16% 12% 39% A4 Landscape A4.6 Protected cultural heritage Number 9 7 15 A4.7 Protected landscape heritage 0% 2% A5 Waste A5.6 Recycled share of produced waste 43% 44% A8 Emissions A8.1 Greenhouse gas emissions t CO2/y. inhab 6 8 A9 Quality of air A9.1 Exposure to air pollution Days/year 17

15 KPI calculation

16 KPI calculation

17 STT in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

18 STT in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

19 Contextualization

20 Contextualization

21 Contextualization

22 Contextualization

23 Global Results

24 Global Results -Regional passport

25 Global Results

26 A-Territories and Environment

27 A-Territories and Environment

28 B-Energy/resources consumption

29 B- Energy/resources consumption

30 C- Infrastructure and services

31 D- Society

32 D- Society

33 E- Economy

34 E- Economy

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