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Purkinje cells inhibit large fastigial glycinergic neurons

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1 Purkinje cells inhibit large fastigial glycinergic neurons
Purkinje cells inhibit large fastigial glycinergic neurons. a, Calbindin immunostaining (top) identifies Purkinje cell terminals, visualized in the L7–GFP mouse (center) (Sekirnjak et al., 2003). Purkinje cells inhibit large fastigial glycinergic neurons. a, Calbindin immunostaining (top) identifies Purkinje cell terminals, visualized in the L7–GFP mouse (center) (Sekirnjak et al., 2003). Scale bar, 10 μm. b, Calbindin immunostaining (magenta) in the GlyT2–GFP line reveals that large fastigial glycinergic neurons are surrounded by Purkinje cell terminals. All confocal images represent one to six averaged z-sections (<3 μm total). Scale bar, 10 μm. c, Electron micrograph of a large glycinergic neuron showing many Purkinje cell synapses (blue) on soma. Scale bar, 10 μm. d, Higher-magnification view of the synapse outlined in c with two release sites (asterisks) displaying typical Purkinje cell features: large bouton size, symmetric synaptic density, and elliptical vesicles. Scale bar, 1 μm. e, White matter stimulation during whole-cell recording of large glycinergic fastigial neuron elicits a gabazine-sensitive synaptic current. Stimulus artifacts blanked for clarity. Calibration: 100 pA, 20 ms. f, GABAergic currents exhibit sustained transmission at 50 Hz (n = 4; mean ± SEM). g, Glutamatergic synaptic currents (DNQX- and CPP-sensitive) recorded in another large glycinergic fastigial neuron. Calibration: 100 pA, 20 ms. Martha W. Bagnall et al. J. Neurosci. 2009;29: ©2009 by Society for Neuroscience

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