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Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) regional meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) regional meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) regional meeting
Surveillance and early warning systems for climate-sensitive diseases in Vietnam (2015–17) Hu Suk Lee Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) regional meeting Hanoi, Vietnam 28 November 2018

2 Outline Introduction of project Introduction of field studies
Project achievements

3 Early warning and forecasting system concept
Main objectives To develop early warning systems of climate-sensitive diseases (CSDs) (prediction/disease models and risk maps) To conduct epidemiological investigations of CSDs To support capacity building for public health Decision support tools Notification to farmers Climate Data Responses Vaccination - Movement control Quarantine Zoonotic/livestock diseases - Surveillance Data - Field surveys

4 Introduction of field studies

5 Sampling areas Swine urine/sera samples from 5 provinces
- Total sample size sera: 1,959; urine: 1,920 - 385 samples / province - Slaughter houses - JE, Lepto (sera) and AFM1(urine) - KAP survey (252 people) Maize samples from 6 provinces - Total sample size: 2,370 - AFB1 - KAP survey (551 people) Except for NIVR *Sample size (each province): 50% prevalence, 95% CI and precision 5%

6 Blood sampling - Slaughterhouses

7 Maize sampling

8 Research team

9 Annual incidence rates for lepto and VE in humans
Malaria incidence rate *Previous study showed that 17~71% of VE were caused by JE in Vietnam

10 Seasonality of VE in humans, 2004–13
4-5 times higher than Feb *Previous study showed that 17~71% of VE were caused by JE

11 Project achievements

12 Pestforecast (2015–17) Research outcomes
9 international papers (peer-reviewed), 2 papers (under review) and 3 papers (preparing) Research briefs (3) 18 conference presentations/posters 1 book chapter (UNEP: Zoonoses: Blurred lines of emergent disease and ecosystem health) Pestforecast website Training: 2 master students Capacity building Vet. epidemiology/GIS training

13 Capacity building/sharing information

14 Research contributions and challenges
Evidence-based tools established (RC) - Risk maps, seasonality and climate associated models One Health research partnership (RC) - A transdisciplinary team Lack of surveillance systems (C) - Pushed back on the priority list / diagnostic tools Lack of resources for implementing tools (C) - Less interaction with farmers/small holders (budget issue)

15 Any Questions? Thank you


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