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Hypothesis/Key Question:

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Presentation on theme: "Hypothesis/Key Question:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hypothesis/Key Question:
Physical Physical Hypothesis/Key Question: Sketch Map: Location: Theory/Concepts: Methods: Sampling: Risks: Risk Action: Physical Physical

2 Key Question Do the characteristics of the River Leen’s tributaries change as they flow through Hucknall?

3 Do the characteristics of the River Leen’s tributaries change as they flow through Hucknall?


5 Hucknall, Nottinghamshire
Tributary of River Leen Leen leads to River Trent Spring water 4.6km Source: Miskhill – West of Hucknall. Between M1 and Hucknall Flows South East Confluence just South of Mill Lakes

6 Bradshaw model

7 Bradshaw model As a river moves downstream its characteristics change
These characteristics are clearly visible in the Bradshaw Model opposite Due to more water being carried and increased energy the river changes significantly as we move downstream More energy means greater erosion rates which leads to a reduction in friction due to smaller particle size and a faster velocity

8 Width/Depth measurement
Metre ruler Tape measure Sediment size mean/mode/median Sample of sediment at the different locations Flow measurement Velocity by dog biscuits

9 Systematic sampling 6 sites along the river – measured from top to bottom Random sampling Collecting river load but systematic as spread evenly down the river

10 Falling/slipping in river
Weather conditions

11 What are we going to do?

12 Results: Interpretation: Conclusion: Evaluation:
Physical Physical Results: Interpretation: Conclusion: Evaluation: Physical Physical

13 First set of results relate to the Width and Depth.
We drew a scatter graph


15 Width Depth Results Interpretation
As you go downstream the width and depth increase in all locations except for one. The width increases ten fold Site 4 is the only location where the depth does not increase it becomes shallower As more water goes into the river the amount of erosion increases. Consequently the river gets deeper and wider as Bradshaw predicts Anomaly down to litter and pipes slowing down the river and causing it to deposit at that location.

16 Second set of results relate to the velocity.
We drew a line graph


18 Velocity Results Interpretation
As you down stream the river increases in velocity Rapid velocity increase between location 2 and 5 Velocity down not increase at the end of the stream near the bypass. Sites 5&6 The rapid increase in velocity is down to a steep gradient as the river goes downhill from the Misk. No increase in the velocity between site 5&6 could be down the the gradient being less steep also the larger sediment found in the stream Results fit the Bradshaw Model

19 Third set of results relate to the Sediment size.
We drew a pie charts


21 Sediment Size Results Interpretation
The results are opposite to what is expected. Larger sediment found at the end of the stream. Sites 5&6. Smaller sediment at the start of the stream. Sites 1&2. Sediment does not follow a pattern. Sites 1&2 are up on the Misk and are flowing through fields with little management. Sites 2-6 are flowing through the housing estate and an urban environment. Significant amount of new building at the end of the stream. Larger material washed into the stream from housing.

22 Conclusion Yes Spring Brook/Water did fit the Bradshaw model. Width and depth increased downstream and so did velocity. Sediment size and anomalies are down to the fact the river flows through an Urban area and human interaction has changed the stream from the natural changes it would have been expected to make. Also, it is a 5KM stream and we are expecting significant change. Maybe it does not have a long enough course to show such profound differences.

23 Evaluation Strengths Weaknesses
We were able to show Bradshaw's model does show changes even though the stream had a short distance to travel. It gave us a snap shot of how the stream worked and linked clearly to the theory we have studied in lessons. Weaknesses Results were taken on a spring day. Rivers change all year round and we could have done readings at different times of year. The stream is heavily managed as it flows through Hucknall, meaning that it will not necessarily follow predicted patterns We looked at 6 locations. Maybe if we looked at more/different locations we could get a better picture of the changes taking place. Errors in recording information.

24 Results: Interpretation: Conclusion: Evaluation:
Physical Physical Results: Interpretation: Conclusion: Evaluation: Physical Physical

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