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The Wilson Way.

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1 The Wilson Way

2 Attention Signal Expectations for students: Teachers say “Wilson”
Students say “Texans” Teachers say “Show me your plan” Expectations for students: P= Posture. Sit up. Turn your body towards the speaker L= Look at the speaker. Listen to his/her words A= All things are put away. No distractions. N= No talking. No excuses.

3 Bathroom Access You will NOT be allowed to go to the restroom during the first and last 10 minutes of class or during direct instruction. You MUST have your bathroom pass on the back of your name badge. You have 8 passes for the entire 6 weeks. Your teacher will sign your pass, and you will take the lanyard for the bathroom. Timer will be set for 3 minutes. Only one student out of classroom at a time. No exceptions.

4 More Bathroom... If you are gone longer than 3 minutes, you will receive a yellow/ red card. If you are gone for 6 minutes, you will lose a bathroom opportunity on your pass. If you are gone 10 minutes or more, you will be referred to the office. If you do not have your badge, you will have to purchase a replacement for 25 cents. Replacement badges will have ½ of the available opportunities for the bathroom. (Ex: 1st replacement will only have 4 opportunities) You will earn PBIS points at the end of the 6 weeks for any opportunity not used.

5 Cell Phones Cell phones must be PUT AWAY in class (on your desk is not put away -- cell phones must not be visible). If you have a phone out: 1st offense- Warning (one for the whole year and teacher will document) 2nd offense- Student will put phone on teacher’s desk. Teacher will return at end of class. 3rd offense or more- Teacher will turn phone into the office. No charging phones at school. No exceptions. You may use phones in auditorium/cafe before school and during lunch. Phones must be PUT AWAY before you leave.

6 Earbuds/ Headphones Headphones/ earbuds must be put away and not visible except for educational activities required by the teacher. If teacher allows you to listen to music during work, you must listen to an approved music streaming site on your Chromebook (no cell phones in class). You may wear headphones/ earbuds in the auditorium/ cafeteria before school and during lunch. Headphones/earbuds must be put away BEFORE you leave.

7 Hallways Walk on the right Keep hands, feet, objects to yourself
Keep moving at all times No PDA No cell phones or ear buds/ headphones (they must be out of sight)

8 Tardies You are on time once you cross the threshold into the classroom. If you do not cross the threshold to the room before the bell, you will be sent to office to get a tardy slip. Once you are in class, you may not leave the classroom. You may not visit any other classroom before you go to your class. No exceptions! No bathroom passes in the first 10 minutes of class

9 Other Important Stuff No food in classroom or hallways (7th and 8th graders may eat breakfast during the first 10 minutes of 1st period). No drinks except bottled water. Water must be in a clear water bottle with the original cap (see examples). No exceptions! No other containers of any kind are allowed. No hoodies in the building. Caps allowed only on Friday with the purchase of a hat pass in the Path store. You must be quiet and attentive during announcements


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