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He3 +Au run Y. Akiba.

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1 He3 +Au run Y. Akiba

2 Viscous Hydrodynamics + Cascade Similar Flow Fingerprint? Small QGP?
Slide from J.Nagle at PAC Viscous Hydrodynamics + Cascade Similar Flow Fingerprint? Small QGP? ALICE Experiment LHC PHENIX RHIC arXiv:

3 Why He3? He3 Au LHC p+Pb; RHIC d+Au results suggests formation of small QGP in p+A and d+A collisions. Large e2 in central d+Au can explain a large v2. Central He3+Au collison can make a small system with large e3 Small system with large e3 is sensitive to medium property such as h/s Npart in central He3+Au (Npart~40) is similar to that in 50-60% central Au+Au collisions where significant v2 and v3 are observed. Energy density in central He3+Au is higher than peripheral AuAu.

4 Initial geometry in pA,dA and He3A
Slide from R. Romatschke’s talk in QM2014 Initial geometry in pA,dA and He3A P. Romatschke, CU Boulder

5 Hydro + Cascade He3+Au Slide from R. Romatschke’s talk in QM2014
v2 (1% central) v2 (5% central) v3 (1% central) v3 (5% central) 8/23/2019

6 Centrality trigger The main interest of He3+Au run is to measure v2/v3 in central collisions. To select those interesting event, multiplicity trigger in BBC is to be implemented. (John Jajoie) For data analysis, VTX stand-alone tracking is important to measure v2 and v3 in a wide eta range.

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