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Top row, Example high-resolution deconvolved optical z-stack of a dendritic segment used for spine analysis with NeuronStudio software. Top row, Example.

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Presentation on theme: "Top row, Example high-resolution deconvolved optical z-stack of a dendritic segment used for spine analysis with NeuronStudio software. Top row, Example."— Presentation transcript:

1 Top row, Example high-resolution deconvolved optical z-stack of a dendritic segment used for spine analysis with NeuronStudio software. Top row, Example high-resolution deconvolved optical z-stack of a dendritic segment used for spine analysis with NeuronStudio software. Open colored circles designate spine subtypes based on user-defined parameters in the software (see Materials and Methods). Bottom panel, Histograms showing the effects of CVS on mushroom, stubby, and thin spine density and mean spine head diameter. CVS resulted in a significant decrease in overall, >150 apical, and <150 μm basal categories of mushroom spine density in aBST-projecting PL neurons (FB+) compared with unlabeled PL counterparts (FB−) and unstressed controls. Significant decreases in stubby spine densities were also evident in basal dendrites in FB+ cells compared with FB− cells in the CVS and unstressed control group. *p < 0.05, differs significantly from unstressed controls; †p < 0.05, differs significantly from unlabeled neurons in CVS-treated animals. Data are represented as mean ± SEM and based on animal averages for each index (i.e., n = 5 animals per group; n = 1–3 segments per neuron; n = 5 neurons per animal). Scale bar, 5 μm (applies to both images). Jason J. Radley et al. J. Neurosci. 2013;33: ©2013 by Society for Neuroscience

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