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Continuous Generation of Most Useful Resource

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Presentation on theme: "Continuous Generation of Most Useful Resource"— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuous Generation of Most Useful Resource
Creation of Hardware Working in A Cycle : Solution for All Extra-somatic Needs P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering Department Continuous Generation of Most Useful Resource

2 Conceptual Research by Thomas Savery
Thomas Savery exhibited great fondness for mechanics, mathematics, natural philosophy. He gave much time to experimenting, to the contriving of various kinds of apparatus, and to invention.

3 Learning of the Secret to Develop a Sustainable Power Plant using Natural Philosophy

4 Secret of Nature Water Cycles Energy Cycles Life Cycles of Animals
Life Cycles of Plants Seasonal Cycles Planetary Cycles Geo-Physical Cycles Chemical Cycles Disease Cycles Rock Cycles

5 Rock Cycle

6 Energy Interaction in Rock Cycle

7 A cyclic process serves for long time (for ever)…..
The Engineering Philosophy by Thomas Savery A cyclic process serves for long time (for ever)….. Cyclic devices are immortal….

8 The Savery Mine Pump/Engine
Thomas Savery, July 2, 1698, patented the design of the first engine which had the most important advance in actual construction. A working model was submitted to the Royal Society of London.

9 Functional Diagram of Savery Mine Pump

10 Development of Cycle for Thomos savery Mine Pump
Beak through Inventions for Formulation of Thermodynamics …..


12 Thermodynamic Boundary Conditions

13 Thermodynamic Analysis of Savery Engine Event 1

14 Thermodynamic Analysis of Savery Engine Event 2

15 Thermodynamic Analysis of Savery Engine Process 1 -2

16 Thermodynamic Analysis of Savery Engine Need for Event 3

17 Thermodynamic Analysis of Savery Engine Need for Event 4

18 Thermodynamic Analysis of Savery Engine Process 3--4

19 Thermodynamic Analysis of Savery Engine Process 4 -- 1

20 Cyclic Process in Savery Engine
Starting Point: Time Events Process

21 Cycle Executed by Savery Engine

22 Newcomen Engine : First Step in Innovation thru Conservation
The original Thomas Newcomen engine was invented in 1712.

23 Anatomy of Newcomen Engine
1736        Watt born 1755        Watt trained in London 1763        Watt discovers problem with Newcomen engine

24 James Watt’s Engine : Most Important Innovation for Conservation
James Watt radically improved Newcomen's engine (1769) by condensing the steam outside the cylinder .

25 Steam Engine As an Alternate to Horse or Cattle…..
James Watt Engine Watt's Double-Acting Engine, 1784. The Watt Hammer, 1784. Trevithick's Locomotive, 1804 The " Atlantlc," 1832. Steam Engine Reached its pinnacle in size when it was called to drive 5 MW electric generator. Steam Engine As an Alternate to Horse or Cattle…..

26 The Family of Steam Engines
A Direct Hardware Creations to the Essential Need …..

27 James Watts Creation of An Artificial Horse

28 Questions Raised by Nicholas Leonard Sadi Carnot
How was the work developed by the engine related to the heat supplied (amount of coal burned)? Was there an upper limit to this work and what condition could lead to its release? Was water the best material to use, or might not some other liquid such as alcohol provide a more effective medium? Might not a gas such as air be more advantageous than a condensable vapour? The thermal efficiency of boiler has increased from about 30% in 1800 to over 90% in a modern boiler….

29 The Human Idols : Steam Power
~1760 : James Watt ~1820 : Sadi Carnot W Rankine ~ 1860

30 The History of Electric Power
Many accounts begin power’s story at the demonstration of electric conduction by Englishman Stephen Gray, which led to the 1740 invention of glass friction generators in Leyden, Germany. This inspired the invention of the battery by Italy’s Alessandro Volta in 1800. Humphry Davy’s first effective “arc lamp” in 1808. 1820, Hans Christian Oersted’s demonstration of the relationship between electricity and magnetism.

31 The Human Idols : Electric Power
Michael Faraday In 1820, in arguably the most pivotal contribution to modern power systems. Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry invented a primitive electric motor. In 1831, documented that an electric current can be produced in a wire moving near a magnet—demonstrating the principle of the generator.

32 Pearl Street Station Thomas Edison in September 1882 achieved his vision of a full-scale central power station

33 The Birth of Power Plant
In 1882 the world's first coal-fired public power station, the Edison Electric Light Station, was built in London. This was a project of Thomas Edison organized by Edward Johnson. A Babcock & Wilcox boiler powered a 125-horsepower steam engine that drove a 27-ton generator. This supplied electricity to premises in the area that could be reached through the culverts of the viaduct without digging up the road, which was the monopoly of the gas companies. The customers included the City Temple and the Old Bailey. Another important customer was the Telegraph Office of the General Post Office, but this could not be reached though the culverts. Johnson arranged for the supply cable to be run overhead, via Holborn Tavern and Newgate.

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